Our structure
A listing of Queensland Government departments and agencies with links to information about their roles, key people, structure, contact details and the Ministers relating to them.
Find contact details and the responsibilities of government ministers and assistant ministers.
Premier and Cabinet
Provides support and advice for the Premier and Cabinet and leads the public sector in delivering the government’s priorities. Also responsible for veterans’ affairs and cross-border coordination.
Corrective Services
Responsible for the provision of corporate and executive services to Queensland Corrective Services.
Customer Services, Open Data and Small and Family Business
Responsible for driving the government's priorities in technology, intellectual property and service delivery. Also responsible for small and family business advocacy and resilience.
Delivers world-class education services to ensure Queensland’s education systems are aligned to the state’s employment, skills and economic priorities. Also responsible for the Arts.
- website (Education)
- contact the department
- website (Arts Queensland)
- contact the department (Arts Queensland)
- Minister for Education and the Arts
Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation
Responsible for environmental planning and protection policy, pollution and waste management, marine and national parks management, science strategy, entrepreneurship policy, and innovation policy, strategy and programs. Also responsible for tourism development and promotion.
- website (former department of Environment, Science and Innovation)
- contact the department
- website (former department of Tourism and Sport)
- contact the department
- Minister for Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation
Families, Seniors, Disability Services and Child Safety
Supports children and families to be safe and to thrive in culture and communities, free from abuse and neglect. Also works to strengthen connections between individuals, families and communities by providing and investing in quality human services. Responsible for the redress scheme for Queensland survivors of institutional child sexual abuse. Also responsible for seniors, disability services and the prevention of domestic and family violence.
- website (former Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Service)
- contact the department
- website (former Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts)
- contact the department
- Minister for Families, Seniors, Disability Services and Child Safety
Responsible for fire and rescue services and rural fire services.
Provides leadership and direction for the health sector and creates an environment that encourages innovation and improvement in the delivery of health services.
- website (Queensland Health)
- contact the department
- website (Ambulance Services)
- contact the department
- Minister for Health and Ambulance Services
Housing and Public Works
Delivers a range of housing services for Queenslanders and responsible for homelessness policy and services, building policy, asset management and Queensland Government procurement. Also responsible for the night-life economy and youth affairs.
Responsible for administering justice in Queensland and delivering services to ensure safe, fair and productive work environments which contribute to the social and economic wellbeing of Queenslanders.
Local Government, Water and Volunteers
Responsible for local government, water, community recovery and volunteers.
- website (former Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works)
- website (former Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water)
- website (former Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts)
- Minister for Local Government, Water and Minister for Fire, Disaster Recovery and Volunteers
Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing and Regional and Rural Development
Enables the productive and responsible use of Queensland’s natural land and mineral resources. Responsible for mining and petroleum, mine safety, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander land interests and titles, land management, manufacturing industry development and regional and rural economic development.
- website (former Department of Resources)
- contact the department
- website (former Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water)
- contact the department
- Minister for Natural Resources and Mines, Minister for Manufacturing and Minister for Regional and Rural Development
Responsible for the police service and the state emergency service.
Primary Industries
Responsible for the agriculture, fisheries and forestry industries, including the provision of agricultural research, development and extension for the management of biological, animal welfare and product integrity risks.
- website (former department of Agriculture and Fisheries)
- contact the department
- Minister for Primary Industries
Public Sector Commission
The Public Sector Commission is an independent central agency of government with key responsibilities for workforce policy, strategy, leadership and organisational performance across the Queensland public sector.
Sport, Racing and Olympic and Paralympic Games
Responsible for sport and recreation, racing and the Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games.
- website (former Department of Tourism and Sport)
- website (Office of Racing)
- website (Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games)
- Minister for Sport, Racing and Olympic and Paralympic Games
State Development, Infrastructure and Planning
Responsible for state development, economic development, infrastructure, urban growth, industrial relations and Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games infrastructure.
- website (former department of State Development and Infrastructure)
- contact the department
- website (former department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works)
- Deputy Premier, Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning and Minister for Industrial relations
Trade, Employment and Training
Responsible for trade development, employment, vocational education and training and skills and workforce development.
- website (Queensland Treasury)
- website (Trade and Investment Queensland)
- website (former department of Employment, Small Business and Training)
- Minister for Finance, Trade, Employment and Training
Transport and Main Roads
Works to implement the planning, management and delivery of Queensland’s integrated transport environment in order to achieve sustainable transport solutions for road, rail, air and sea.
Responsible for providing economic and financial advice to the government, as well as services to the community, to enhance the state’s financial position and economic performance. Also responsible for energy and climate planning.
- website (Queensland Treasury)
- website (former department of Energy and Climate)
- contact the department (former department of Energy and Climate)
- contact the department (former department of Energy and Climate)
- Treasurer, Minister for Energy and Minister for Home Ownership
Women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships and Multiculturalism
Responsible for women's policy and whole-of-government leadership, coordination and monitoring in policy, program and service delivery for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders. Also responsible for multiculturalism and supports the economic and social participation of culturally diverse communities across Queensland.
- website (Office for Women)
- contact the department
- website (former Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts)
- contact the department
- Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships and Multiculturalism
Youth Justice and Victim Support
Responsible for youth justice and victims’ rights.