Fire danger ratings

Fire Danger Ratings

Daily Fire Danger Ratings let you know how dangerous a fire would be if one broke out in your area today.

bushfire aware

Bushfire aware

Learn about the bushfire season, risks and hazards, fire weather, bushfire myths, and where to find credible information.

bushfire prepare

Bushfire prepare

Make a Bushfire Survival Plan, prepare evacuation and emergency kits, and prepare your home, garden and pets.

bushfire health and safety

Bushfire health and safety

Advice about smoke and air quality, physical and mental health, returning home safely, and working safely.

Council disaster dashboard

Council disaster dashboards

Find local council updates including localised warnings and advice, road conditions, power outages, and contacts.


Queensland Fire Department

Advice about bushfire warnings, fire danger ratings, fire bans and restrictions, hazard reduction burns.

image of a stylised fire in a red circle with a diagonal line through it to signify no fires allowed

Fire bans and restrictions

Search for fire bans and restrictions in your area. Fire bans are advertised widely and remain in force until cancelled.

Photo of people wearing volunteer t-shirts

How can I help?

Donate to registered charities. Donate time, goods and services, or volunteer to assist recovery.

Photo of a collection of video cameras and lenses

Bushfire and the media

Resources for accredited journalists and media representatives for reporting on bushfires.