Sport and Recreation Disaster Recovery Program (SRDRP)

When activated, the Sport and Recreation Disaster Recovery Program supports not-for-profit sport and recreation organisations with funding to re-establish their facilities and activities after extreme natural events, including floods, fire, cyclones and severe storms.

Funding of up to $5000 may be available for eligible sport and active recreation organisations located in areas declared under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

If an event is not listed on this webpage under “Funding locations”, visit the Queensland Reconstruction Authority's Activations webpage for the most current information on activations.

Where the organisation’s LGA is listed under categories for “Personal Hardship Assistance” or “Reconstruction of Essential Public Assets”, funding will be available for application up to 3 months from the latest activation date of the event. If an LGA is activated under more than one event, seek advice from your local Sport and Recreation office.

An organisation’s members, supporters and employees should attend to personal circumstances first. The Government will be available to help when clubs and organisations are ready to apply.

Funding (currently closed)

To be eligible for funding, an organisation must be located in a Local Government Area (LGA) listed as activated for either “Personal Hardship Assistance” or “Reconstruction of Essential Public Assets” on the Queensland Government’s Disaster Management website.

Where the organisation’s LGA is listed, funding will be available for application up to 3 months from the latest activation date.

Up to $5,000 in funding to assist in immediate clean-up efforts. This may include:

  • replacement of damaged equipment that directly relates to the re-establishment of activities (including office and canteen equipment)
  • payment of services and hire costs, and purchase of equipment and tools that assist in short term clean-up of facilities
  • reimbursement for the purchase of the above made from the date of the relevant disaster
  • funds for repairs and replacements when this amount is lower than the premium excess set by the insurance provider
  • excess coverage for insurance claims

Please note costs recovered through insurance claim payments or other sources are not eligible under this program.

Read the program guidelines (PDF, 742 KB) to review eligibility aspects and supporting documentation required for an application.

Who can apply for funding?

To be eligible, organisations must:

  • be located in an DRFA Category A to B declared disaster affected area
  • be an incorporated not-for-profit organisation with a primary objective relating to the delivery of local or regional sport and active recreation
  • Demonstrate tenure over the infrastructure and have the legal right to conduct works on the site to request repair, restoration or mitigation support to infrastructure damaged by the declared natural event.