Young Queenslanders Strategy

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In 2017 the Queensland Government released the Queensland Youth Strategy. With an overarching commitment to listen to the voices of young people, the 2017 strategy was shaped around 4 building blocks that aimed to support young people to participate, access housing, build healthy futures and be educated into employment.

Over the past 7 years a lot has changed in the landscape for young people in Queensland – from unprecedented floods and bushfires to the widespread effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, encompassing housing pressures, lockdowns, isolation periods and impacts to fields such as employment and science.

In recognition of these changes, the Queensland Government ran a state-wide consultation from mid-October to late November 2022 to develop a new strategy for young Queenslanders that reflected the emerging issues and challenges faced by young people.

We heard from over 3,200 young people across the state including:

  • young people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities
  • those living in regional or remote areas in Queensland
  • those who identify as LGBTQIA+
  • First Nations young people
  • those with lived experience of the out of home care and youth justice systems, and homelessness
  • young people with lived experience of the health care system, including those living with disability and long-term health conditions; and
  • neurodivergent young people.

The strategy

The Young Queenslanders Strategy is a broad framework that will guide the Queensland Government towards achieving its vision that Queensland’s young people are empowered to actively participate, cultivate their futures, live their best lives, and thrive in our communities.

The Office for Youth is currently designing an interactive online version of the Young Queenslanders Strategy directly with young people, to make sure it aligns with their needs and preferences.

If you are interested in learning more about the content before the online release:

You can also email us at if you want to hear more.

Young Queenslanders Strategy Action Plan 2024–2026

The 2024–2026 Action Plan (PDF, 7.1 MB) , (DOCX, 5.5 MB) builds on the foundations contained in the Young Queenslanders Strategy and includes targeted actions for the Queensland Government to create opportunities to empower young people on their individual journeys. The topics of these actions have been guided by statewide consultation with young people and work towards addressing the challenges and barriers they face in different areas of life.

Are you aged 12 to 25 and interested in shaping the future of Queensland?

If you enjoyed reading about the Young Queenslanders Strategy and want to know how you can have your voice heard on the things that matter to you, don’t forget to take part in our brief and totally anonymous survey to help us communicate your thoughts and ideas across government and influence positive change in the areas you care most about.

Your insights will help us inform the development of the policies, programs and services that impact you now and into the future.

Take the survey today!

Further information

If you have questions or want further information, please email

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