Recycling Qld – let’s get it sorted Guide

Knowing what items can go in your yellow lid bin will help make sure we’re recycling as much as we can and recycling correctly.

Recycling helps reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfill which is good for the environment and your community. It also creates jobs and contributes to economic growth.

Let’s get our recycling sorted Queensland.

Let's get it sorted namestyle

Keep it loose – don't bag your recycling

Learn why it’s important to keep your recycling loose when it goes in your yellow lid bin.

Get your plastics sorted

Let's get hard plastics recycling sorted. Put items like milk bottles and yoghurt tubs in your yellow lid bin.

Get your metals sorted

Metals like aerosols, aluminium foil and food tins go in your yellow lid bin.

Make sorting simple

Make bin day effortless and keep recyclables in a separate basket.


Get your glass sorted

Get your glass recycling sorted and learn more about the items can go in your yellow lid bin.

Paper and cardboard sorted

Get your your paper and cardboard sorted

Make bin day a breeze and get your paper and cardboard sorted.

The top five materials – dos and don’ts

The 5 materials you can recycle in your yellow lid bin.

Recycling facts and myths

Facts about recycling and the recycling process.

Useful links

Links to more information about recycling and waste reduction.

Recycling Qld – let’s get it sorted, 17 Jul 2024, []

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