First Nations

The Queensland Government is committed to improving outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

A thriving digital economy is one where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are engaged, connected and thriving through digitally-enhanced communities and businesses.

The strategy (PDF, 664.54 KB) includes an overarching commitment to improving digital opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to ensure that First Nations Queenslanders can access and engage with digital technology.

Improved connectivity and inclusion will:

  • encourage social cohesion, economic participation and future prosperity
  • provide an appropriate and contemporary mechanism to celebrate and commemorate cultural identity, traditions, histories and stories as core aspects of maintaining connection to country
  • enable a focus on digital innovation and partnering with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and businesses to grow demand for First Nations products, services and industries.

As a first step, we will invite First Nations Queenslanders to partner on developing a First Nations digital strategic plan.

What we're doing

First Nations digital service centres
Two digital service centres have been established in discrete First Nations communities, with more to follow.

Boosting connectivity Indigenous council areas
We are closing the digital divide enabling more broadband coverage for 17 Indigenous councils by funding 82 satellite dishes for their communities.