MORE Cost of Living Rebates!

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Record cost of living electricity assistance for Queenslanders

The Queensland Government is delivering another round of record electricity cost of living relief, almost doubling this year’s assistance.

All eligible Queensland households will automatically receive a rebate of $1000 toward their electricity bills, with the payment to be applied in a one-off lump sum from 1 July 2024.

The record relief package means most Queenslanders will have had at least $1550 put back into their household energy budget in the past two years, and eligible vulnerable households up to $2072.

Eligible vulnerable households, including seniors and concession card holders, will automatically receive the new $1000 rebate and can also receive the existing $372 Queensland Electricity Rebate, for a total payment of $1372.

Further information on the new $1000 rebate including eligibility requirements, and advice on how to apply for the $372 Queensland Electricity Rebate and other savings, is available at