Privacy Awareness Week 2024

Purple background with blue and white graphical representations of data moving through a network between two mobile phones with a padlock at the centre

Your personal information is valuable. Do you know how to protect it?

Privacy Awareness Week (PAW) is from 6-12 May 2024 and it’s time for a refresher, because we can all do simple things to protect our privacy and personal information.

This year’s theme is ‘Privacy and technology: improving transparency, accountability and security’.

It’s a good reminder that when it comes to advances in technology, it can potentially improve our standard of living, safety and give us access to greater services and information so that we can be informed, but it can also bring with it the potential to intrude further into our personal lives.

We live in a digital world, but you still have rights when it comes to how information about you is collected, used and managed. It’s even legislated in the Queensland Human Rights Act 2019.

There’s a lot you can do to protect your own personal information, from updating privacy settings on devices, to reading terms and conditions, not oversharing on social media and much more.

Join Queenslanders in marking PAW and refreshing your knowledge about privacy:

PAW is an annual event shining a light on the importance of protecting and respecting personal information, whether you are a community member or work for a Queensland public sector agency.

Now, more than ever, individuals and agencies need to ensure they are getting privacy right.

Find out more about PAW