Putting Queensland Kids First

Giving our kids the opportunity of a lifetime

Group of kids in hats sitting on rocks near water

Every Queensland child and family deserves the best start and a lifetime of opportunities. This is our vision for the Putting Queensland Kids First: Giving our kids the opportunity of a lifetime Plan, backed by a clear objective to strengthen investment in prevention and access to the earliest possible supports.

Investing in children, and the families and community that nurture them, is incredibly powerful in shaping their life trajectories, with lifelong and multigenerational health, social and economic benefits for all Queenslanders far into the future.

The Putting Queensland Kids First plan invests more than $500 million to help set our youngest Queenslanders on positive and healthy pathways and empower families to build the best foundations for their children at every stage of life. It strengthens preventative and early supports for Queensland children and families at critical milestones and periods of development.

Our priorities

Our priorities and initiatives build on a strong system of supports across Government and our thriving Queensland community service sector, all committed to helping Queensland children and families lead positive, healthy and happy lives.

A woman holding a baby in her arms, both looking at each other with love and affection.

Collaborative partnerships with non-government and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled organisations to support local, place-based responses to diverse community needs.

We are investing:

  • $15 million for a dedicated partnership fund for non-government organisations and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled organisations.
  • $5.8 million for more safe, stable and secure housing for First Nations families.
  • $270,000 for First Nations leadership programs for young First Nations parents.
Woman and child sitting in chair with doctor, discussing medical concerns

Supporting children to be born and raised healthy in their families, connected to culture, and supported in their development so they start life with the best foundations for lifelong wellbeing.

We are investing:

  • $65.52 million for more sustained health home visiting and antenatal support.
  • $18.44 million supporting healthier pregnancies, including health risk screenings during antenatal care.
  • $11.09 million to connect parents with essentials for thriving babies.
  • $4.1 million to expand weekly text messaging to support child development and parental wellbeing.
  • $9 million for housing and holistic support for pregnant and parenting mothers.
Women and child sitting at a table

Strengthening holistic and wraparound supports for families and communities and responding to the needs of parents, caregivers and kin to create the best conditions for children to thrive.

We are investing:

  • $29.86 million to embed Early Childhood Coordinators within existing child, family and community services.
  • $11.64 million to support tenancies for young parents with wraparound support including parenting education.
  • $5.4 million to support Neighbourhood Centres to combat the effects of isolation and loneliness.
  • $20 million for family and early years school-based hubs in Aurukun and Kowanyama.
  • $10.4 million to enhance mental health support for parents, partners and families.
A woman and a young girl sitting at a table, engrossed in their studies.

Supporting individual development through the earliest possible access to support to identify and respond to the diverse needs of Queensland children.

We are investing:

  • $71.4 million for enhanced child health development checks in the first five years of life.
  • $56.55 million for Enhanced Child Development Services in priority locations to improve the health and wellbeing of children with developmental concerns.
  • $9.94 million for improved children’s hearing screening and diagnostic services.
  • $2.04 million to strengthen family connections through an early intervention program for families experiencing complex challenges.
  • $3.59 million for housing and support link services for young mothers, babies and families.
Children sitting on the floor, reading and learning.

Encouraging confident steps as children grow and develop, from early learning and across key phases of learning to set them on positive pathways for the future.

We are investing:

  • $26.23 million to extend free kindy to up to 30 hours per week for four year olds in discrete communities.
  • $10.73 million for health practitioners in 20 priority primary schools.
  • $67.33 million for Behaviour specialists in priority primary schools to support engagement in learning.
  • $42.66 million for Family Support Coordinators in primary schools to support transitions from early childhood for a confident start to learning at school.

Implementation and monitoring

Putting Queensland Kids First will be underpinned by an evaluation framework and clear performance indicators to assess our progress and implementation. Further updates will be provided as this work is progressed.


Find out more about how the Putting Queensland Kids First Plan was developed through Consultation.


Read about the artwork story for Guiding Waters.