
On 22 January 2024, the draft ‘Putting Queensland Kids First: Giving our kids the opportunity of a lifetime’ plan was launched for public consultation.

To hear as many views and voices as possible in the limited consultation window, an online survey and written submission process was promoted widely through media releases, social media, and shared through Queensland Government agencies and partner organisation networks. The consultation website received over 7,640 visitors.

As part of this approach, we heard from diverse perspectives across Queensland including from community, and peak and advocacy bodies and representatives for:

  • Culturally and linguistically diverse communities
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • People with disability
  • Regional, rural and remote communities
  • Parents and families.

How did we hear from Queenslanders?

  • More than 550 survey responses
  • More than 20 consultation sessions
  • Over 110 written submissions
  • Workshops with philanthropic organisations
  • Workshops with place-based stakeholders in Mount Isa and Toowoomba

Consultation sessions

A range of engagement sessions were facilitated during a five-week consultation period, with more than 20 dedicated engagement sessions held and over 150 attendees. Attendees included representatives from:

  • A range of non-government organisations, not-for-profits and community service providers, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled organisations
  • Professionals and experts working with children, young people and families, including health and education experts
  • Philanthropic organisations
  • Academics
  • Unions and professional associations
  • Peak and advocacy bodies
  • Statutory bodies

Insights from consultation

Consultation highlighted support for the plan’s focus, with agreement that sustained and early investment for children and families is backed by a substantial evidence base.

“There needs to be a focus on strengthening communities - because it takes a village to raise a child”
Survey respondent

“Family is culture. Family is belonging”
Survey respondent

“Sectors need to work together to ensure a wraparound and no wrong door approach”
Survey respondent

Survey snapshot


respondents agreed with the ideas and concepts described in the consultation draft Putting Queensland Kids First – including an evidence backed focus on prevention and early intervention; holistic service delivery; and greater supports for children, parents, caregivers and families in need.


respondents agreed there is opportunity to further foster belonging and connection to culture and community.


respondents agreed that protective factors listed in the Consultation Draft support individual and community wellbeing.


respondents agreed that the proposed outcomes are priority areas to support children and young people in Queensland.

Percentage indicates level of agreement includes survey respondents who either ‘agreed’ or ‘strongly agreed’ with each statement.