Tropical Cyclone Alfred
This page was updated 7.30am 7 March 2025
If you are being affected by Tropical Cyclone Alfred, please be alert, stay up-to-date with warnings and take the essential steps to Get Ready – know your risk, make a plan, pack a kit.
Find below useful links and services information which may be of help.
Queenslanders should visit Disaster Management Queensland for information about conditions in your local area (flooding, road closures, weather warnings, school closures, emergency contact details).
For urgent assistance
- Emergency calls: 000
- TTY emergency calls: 106
- State Emergency Service (SES): 132 500
- For non-life threatening requests:
- lodge a request for SES assistance or call the SES on 132 500
- download the SES app which is available for both iPhone and Andriod users.
- For non-urgent housing maintenance requests:
- submit a maintenance request using the Tenant Assist Qld app
- submit an online maintenance request.
- Find a detailed list of Queensland emergency contacts.
Latest updates
- Stay up to date via your local council disaster dashboard.
- Have a question? Go to frequently asked questions - cyclones.
- Follow the Bureau of Meteorology Tracking Map.
- Find a list of useful apps during a disaster.
- Learn about school closures.
- Check QldTraffic for road closures.
- Anyone requiring access to housing please call the Homeless Hotline on 1800 474 753 24.
- The Community Recovery Hotline 1800 173 349 is available 24/7 to provide information and support.
- If you are needing support call the Community Recovery Lifeline Hotline on 1800 116671. This is a 24/7, confidential service providing access to specialist disaster counselling.
- Medical and flood health and safety.
Know your risk
Your first step to Getting Ready is to find out when and where Cyclone Alfred may cross land, how severe it could potentially be, and if you will be affected. Stick to trusted sources for the most accurate and up to date information.
Understand what the warnings mean.
Download the Bureau of Meteorology app to get notifications directly to your phone.
BOM video Tropical Cyclone Alfred
Make a plan
Being prepared can reduce your risk during a disaster. Amazingly, research shows that those who have undertaken disaster preparation also recover more quickly!
Give some thought to what you will do if the worst happens.
- Make a plan online today.
- Learn about cyclones and how to prepare.
- Top ways to protect your home from cyclone.
- Keep your pets safe.
Pack a kit
Pack your emergency kit with enough supplies to last at least three days.
Prepare psychologically
Severe weather events can be stressful. High levels of stress can make it difficult to think clearly and this can impact reactions and decisions we make. Some resources that might help are below.
- Wellbeing in a disaster - Get Ready Queensland has developed a list of practical tips for maintaining mental and physical wellbeing during a disaster, covering mental health, hydration, sleep, exercise, and ergonomics.
- Download the Australian Red Cross Rediplan - a preparedness tool that helps people prepare their minds for disasters
- Find a RediPlan in foreign languages:
- Get Ready Kids can help little ones manage the stress and anxiety of disasters
- Prepare your mind for a cyclone
- Head to Birdie Tree to find storybooks, videos and resources to help young children and their families cope with cyclones. Have a look at the animation below.