Become a foster or kinship carer
Who can foster a child
Foster and kinship carers are everyday people from all walks of life.
Why become a foster or kinship carer
Find out about the rewards and challenges of caring for children and young people.
How to become a foster carer
Find out how to become a foster carer.
How to become a kinship carer
Find out how to become a kinship carer.
Returning to foster care
We have streamlined processes for former foster carers to reduce the amount of time it takes to begin caring again.
Blue cards and exemption cards for foster or kinship carers
Find out about who needs a blue card, how to apply for one, and how to renew an expired card.
Top questions about foster care
Read the top questions people ask about foster care and what it is like to be a carer.
Foster carer information sessions
Find out about foster carer information sessions.