A day in the life of Sandra

Sandra has shared her story of why she became a foster carer – now she gives an insight into what everyday life is like.

How do your mornings usually start?

With my alarm at 5am and getting cuddles from sleepy children when they hear me getting ready for work.

Tea or Coffee?

Chai latte.

What is the first spread to run out in your household?


What takes up most of your day?

Work or laundry.

What's your favourite thing to do when you have free time?

Wash my car... seriously!

What's the kids' current favourite show to watch?


What is your evening routine like?

Collect from afterschool care, homework, dinner, bath, free time then stories. After kids are tucked in bed I study.

What's the most common excuse you hear from your kids explaining why they're out of bed?

“I missed you.”

How did you feel when the children in your care arrived to stay with you?

Hopeful for them.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Laundry that does itself lol.

What are the children in your care's greatest strengths?


Do you have a special memory about a moment where you could see that you've made an impact in a child's life?

When we heard a 5-year-old belly laugh, for the first 6 months he barely smiled.

How has being a foster carer impacted your life?

My entire world is so much richer for this experience, I will forever be grateful we decided to follow this path. We have loved many kids, seen many families strengthened, witnessed so much strength in the children.

If you could have 3 wishes for your children in care, what would they be?

That they realise how loved they are by so many people, that they don't feel pain, that they don't feel shame.

Why do you do it?

Because someone has to, why not me? Almost anyone can do it... Can you be kind? Can you play with a child, look after the well-being of a child, help a child connect with family? All of these things are not hard. You can make a difference to the life of a child just by showing this kindness. I do it because I believe everyone should be kind.

If you could say one thing to encourage other people to become a carer like you, what would it be?

Take a chance on your heart, you won't regret it.