All areas.
Tropical Cyclone Jasper December 2023
Personal hardship financial assistance is now available for Queensland communities impacted by Tropical Cyclone Jasper.
If you have been affected by this event, you can:
- check if your area is eligible for financial assistance
- find out about the different grants available
- locate your nearest Support Services location
- access brochures for key community support contacts in your area
- find out about other support services available.
Eligible areas
Financial assistance is available for people who were affected by this event in these areas:
All areas.
Defined localities within:
- Ayton
- Bloomfield
- Cooktown (defined areas only)
- Helenvale
- Lakeland
- Laura
- Mt Amos
- Oaky Creek
- Rossville
- Shiptons Flat.
All areas.
All areas.
All areas.
All areas.
All areas.
All areas.
Check your eligibility
You need to be aged 18 years or older to complete an online application and have:
- Identification (ID)—Driver licence and Medicare card
Note: If you do not have these, other forms of ID are accepted. Call the Community Recovery Hotline on 1800 173 349. - Bank account details.
- A valid email address.
If you are under the age of 18, please contact the Community Recovery Hotline on 1800 173 349 to obtain advice on how to lodge an application.
Complete this form to find out what financial assistance you may be eligible for.
Start typing and select the address from the list. If your address does not appear, select Enter address manually, and complete each field for your address.
Unfortunately you are not eligible for any of the Queensland Government grants available for this event.
The Australian Government may also be offering disaster recovery payments.
To find information about other supports visit the Disaster Assist website.
Available grants
The following grants have been activated for this event. To find out which of these grants you may be eligible for, complete the form above.
The Essential Household Contents Grant is to replace essential lost household contents, such as bed linen and white goods. This grant may be available if you:
- live in the affected area
- own the items that have been lost
- own or rent the affected residence
- are uninsured or unable to claim insurance
- meet the income limits.
We will visit your home to assess the damage. We will need photographic evidence if items must be disposed of.
Grant amount:
- $1,765 for individuals
- up to $5,300 for couples or families.
More information about the Essential Household Contents Grant.
The Essential Services Safety and Reconnection Scheme (ESSRS) is to help with for safety inspection and repairs to reconnect essential services e.g. gas, water, electricity and sewage. This grant may be available if you:
- live in the affected area
- have had your essential services disconnected
- own and live in the affected residence
- are uninsured or unable to claim insurance
- meet the income limits.
We will visit your home to assess the damage.
Grant amount:
- Inspection costs—$200 for safety inspection for water, electricity, gas and sewage.
- $4,200 for repairs or replacement of these services.
More information about the Essential Services Safety and Reconnection Scheme.
The Structural Assistance Grant is to help with structural repairs or contribution towards replacement of dwelling. This grant may be available if:
- you live in the affected area
- you own and live in the affected residence
- your home has become structurally unsafe to live in
- are uninsured or unable to claim insurance
- meet the income limits.
We will visit your home to assess the damage.
Grant amount:
Uninsured, low income, owner-occupiers may receive up to a maximum of $80,000 to help repair your home to make it safe, secure and habitable.
The Australian Government may also be offering support. For more information about the disaster recovery payments visit the Services Australia website.
To find information about other supports visit the Disaster Assist website.
Transport and motoring assistance
You can apply for help with vehicle registration, licensing and other transport and motoring products.
Community Recovery Hubs
Community Recovery Hubs are a place where residents who are experiencing hardship can apply for grants and obtain emotional and wellbeing support. Our Community Recovery workers will assist with grant applications and offer referrals to other community organisations and government agencies for further assistance.
There are no active Community Recovery hubs for this event. For assistance, please call the Community Recovery Hotline on 1800 173 349.
Support Services locations
If a Community Recovery Hub near you has closed, please check the following Support Services locations.
If you need help and there is not a service near you, please call the Community Recovery Hotline on 1800 173 349.
You can access a range of recovery information and services including:
- financial support (e.g. personal hardship assistance, financial counselling)
- practical support services (e.g. access to advocacy, translation services)
- assistance with current applications including validating identification documents
- information and referral (e.g. welfare referrals, other local services)
- disaster-specific advice (e.g. safe clean up, managing health concerns, how to cope)
- emotional support (e.g. personal support, counselling and mental health services)
- resources to assist vulnerable individuals and groups (e.g. young children and adolescents, domestic and family violence)
- Community Recovery grant applications.
Cairns Regional Local Government Area
Centacare FNQ
Ground Floor, 22-34 Aplin Street, Cairns City
Phone: 0467 776 553
Open Monday to Friday - 9am to 4pm
Hambledon House
177 Bruce Highway, Edmonton
Phone: 07 4037 2874
Open Monday to Friday - 9.00am to 4.30pm
Manoora Neighbourhood Centre
66 Pease Street, Manoora
Phone: 07 4044 0105
Open Monday to Friday - 10am to 4pm
Marlin Coast Neighbourhood Centre
205 Reed Road, Trinity Park
Phone: 07 4055 6440
- Monday to Thursday - 9am to 4pm
- Friday - 9am to 1pm
Cassowary Coast Local Government Area
Innisfail Community Support Centre
13-17 Donald Street, Innisfail
Phone: 07 4043 8400
Open Monday to Friday - 9.00am to 4.30pm
Tully Community Support Service
54 Bryant Street, Tully
Phone: 07 4068 1004
Open Monday to Friday - 9am to 4pm
Cook Shire Local Government Area
Cooktown District Community Centre
11 Charles Street, Cooktown
Phone: 07 4082 1400
- Monday to Thursday - 8.30am to 4.30pm
- Friday - 8.30am to 1.30pm
Gungarde Community Support Centre Aboriginal Corporation
92 Charlotte Street, Cooktown
Phone: 07 4069 5412
- Monday to Thursday - 8.30am to 3.00pm
- Friday - 9am to 3pm
Douglas Shire Local Government Area
Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation
15 Sawmill Road, Mossman
Phone: 07 4098 3552
- Monday to Thursday - 8am to 4pm
- Friday - 8am to 3pm
Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation
135 Alchera Drive, Mossman
Phone: 07 4098 3552
Open Monday to Friday - 9am to 5pm
Mossman Support Services (Community Centre)
20 Mill Street, Mossman
Phone: 07 4098 2836
Open Monday to Friday - 8.30am to 3.30pm
Port Douglas Community Services Network Inc
6-8 Mowbray Street, Port Douglas
Phone: 07 4099 5518
Open Monday to Friday - 9am to 4pm
Mareeba Shire Local Government Area
Kuranda Neighbourhood Centre
6 Rob Veivers Dr, Kuranda
Phone: 07 4093 8933
- Monday to Thursday - 9am to 5pm
- Friday - 9am to 1pm
Mareeba Community Centre Inc.
39b Byrnes St, Mareeba
Phone: 07 4092 1948
Open Monday to Friday - 9am to 4pm
Tablelands Regional Local Government Area
Eacham Community Help Organisation (ECHO Malanda Empowering Services)
11-15 Eacham Place, Malanda
Phone: 07 4096 6634
- Monday to Thursday - 9am to 4pm
- Friday - 9am to 12pm
Ravenshoe Community Centre
3 Bolton Street, Ravenshoe
Phone: 07 4097 6726
Open Monday to Friday - 9.00am to 2.30pm
Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Local Government Area
100 Douglas Street, Wujal Wujal
Phone: (07) 4083 9000
Open: 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday
Baninh Yeeum Building
302-310 Sheridan Street, Cairns
Phone: (07) 4046 0600
Open: 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday
92 Charlotte Street, Cooktown
Phone: (07) 4069 5412
- 8.30am to 4.00pm Monday to Thursday
- 9am to 3pm Friday
15 Sawmill Rd, Mossman
Phone: (07) 4098 3552
Open: 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday