Financial help for disasters

Tropical Cyclone Kirrily, associated rainfall and flooding commencing January 2024

Financial grants and support services are available for people affected by Tropical Cyclone Kirrily.

SEQ Severe Thunderstorms Christmas Day 2023

Find information about personal hardship financial assistance available for south east Queensland communities impacted by severe thunderstorms.

Tropical Cyclone Jasper December 2023

Information about financial grants and support services available for people affected by Tropical Cyclone Jasper in December 2023.

Toowoomba Fires November 2023

Financial assistance and support services are available for people affected by the November 2023 Toowoomba bushfires.

North Queensland Fires October 2023

Find information about financial grants and support services available for Queensland communities impacted by the North Queensland bushfires.

Bundaberg and Gladstone Bushfires October 2023

Personal hardship financial assistance is available for Queensland communities impacted by the Bundaberg and Gladstone bushfires.

Western and Darling Downs Bushfires October 2023

Financial grants and support services are available for people affected by the Western and Darling Downs bushfires.

Northern and Central Queensland monsoon and flooding – March 2023

Find information about financial assistance available for Northern and Central Queensland monsoon and flooding – 20 December 2022 to March 2023.

Western Downs bushfire February 2023

Find information about financial assistance available for Western Downs residents affected by the February bushfires.

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