Growing child safe organisations

The Queensland Government is working on implementation of child safe standards and the introduction of a reportable conduct scheme in Queensland, as recommended by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

Child Safe Organisations Bill 2024

On 12 June 2024, the Child Safe Organisations Bill 2024 (the Bill) was introduced to the Legislative Assembly. The Bill seeks to establish an integrated child safe organisations system in Queensland that includes:

  • mandatory child safe standards by in-scope organisations
  • a nationally consistent reportable conduct scheme for certain organisations.

The Bill proposes that the Queensland Family and Child Commission will be responsible for monitoring implementation of the system.

The Bill and its supporting materials are available on the Queensland Legislation website.

Decision impact analysis statement

On 22  March 2024, the Queensland Government published the Growing Child Safe Organisations Summary Impact Analysis Statement (Summary IAS) (PDF, 395 KB) | (DOCX, 1.3 MB) and the Growing Child Safe Organisations Decision Impact Analysis Statement (DIAS).

The DIAS recommends the Queensland Government establish an integrated child safe organisations system which includes:

  1. a collaborative regulatory model to implement mandatory child safe standards and ensure compliance by in-scope organisations; and
  2. oversight of institutional child abuse complaints and allegations through a nationally consistent reportable conduct scheme.

Consultation regulatory impact statement

On 10 August 2023, the Queensland Government published the Growing Child Safe Organisations consultation regulatory impact statement (CRIS) to seek feedback on options for the implementation of child safe standards and a reportable conduct scheme in Queensland.

The consultation period has closed, and submissions received from stakeholders across Queensland informed the final recommendation to government.

We would like to thank everyone that participated in the consultation process.

We developed 6 supplementary materials to help people navigate and understand the key issues we sought feedback on. Read these below.

  1. Overview guide to the CRIS
  2. Embedding cultural safety
  3. Scope for Child Safe Standards (CSS) and Reportable Conduct Scheme (RCS)
  4. Options for Child Safe Standards (CSS)
  5. Overview for Reportable Conduct Scheme (RCS)
  6. CRIS FAQs


If you have further questions, please contact

Support services and resources

If you need support:

  • Lifeline is a 24/7 telephone counselling and referral service across a range of support areas. Phone 13 11 14
  • Blue Knot supports adult survivors of childhood trauma and abuse, parents, partners, family and friends. Phone 1300 657 380
  • Kids Helpline offers telephone and online counselling service for children and young people aged between 5 and 25 years. Phone 1800 551 800
  • WellMob provides a safe online place made by and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, bringing together wellbeing resources that are culturally relevant.
  • MensLine Australia is a 24/7 telephone and online counselling and referral service across a range of support needs. Phone 1300 789 978