Frequently asked questions – Round four


Organisations providing services to the veterans’ community are eligible, including:

  • ex-service organisations
  • other not-for-profit organisations that have a core purpose of providing assistance to the veterans’ community.

Local councils can apply for the Community Grants Program.

In addition, applicants must:

  • be an incorporated body
  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • be financially solvent
  • be based in Australia, provided the project is located in Queensland.

For further information about eligibility requirements, go to

Queensland Remembers – Major Capital Works Grants Program

Only organisations that are listed as being eligible organisations can apply for funding. Auspice arrangements are not accepted under the Queensland Remembers – Major Capital Works Grants Program.

Queensland Remembers – Minor Capital Works and Community Grants Programs

If your organisation is not eligible to apply for funding, you can partner with another eligible organisation to auspice your project. The auspicing organisation will be required to manage the grant funding on behalf of your organisation and accept legal and financial responsibility for the grant.

It is important to ensure the details of the auspicing organisation are provided in the application form.


Organisations can submit only one (1) application per project across all three streams of the Queensland Remembers Grants Program. A detailed budget and quote will be requested in the application form to support the funding request.

Funding provided under the Queensland Remembers Grants Program is offered on a one-off basis. Funding in subsequent rounds will not be approved for the same project.

If you have been successful in gaining funding in a previous round, you may only apply in future rounds if you are able to demonstrate the funding will be used for a different project.

Funding provided under the Queensland Remembers Grants Program should not be relied on for continuity of your project or activity.

The Office for Veterans can provide general information and advice on completing your application. However, to maintain the fairness and integrity of the application process, the Office for Veterans cannot provide applicants with individual support or assistance in completing applications.

SmartyGrants is an online grants administration software that provides a centralised grant application and management system.

Funding and finance


Available funding (excluding GST)

Major Capital Works Grants Program

$50,000 – $250,000 per grant

Minor Capital Works and Community Grants Programs

Up to $50,000 per grant

It is not possible to provide an exhaustive list of all items or projects that may be eligible for funding. Provided that the items you are seeking are directly connected to the delivery of the project, you should include them for consideration. Any ineligible expenses should be covered by the organisation’s cash contribution to the project or other funding sources and will be excluded from a potential grant offer.

Successful applicants may be offered a smaller funding amount than applied for in their application, for a variety of reasons. Please ensure that the budget you submit is correct, items requested are eligible and amounts match the quotes submitted. Expenditure amounts must be entered as GST exclusive amounts only.

In the application you will be asked to indicate if the project will still go ahead if you are offered less that the full amount of funding you have applied for. The number and value of grants awarded in any round is at the discretion of the Queensland Government.

Once you have received all the quotes for your project, list the items as per the below table and enter the expenditure amounts as GST exclusive amounts only.

Expenditure item description

Expenditure amount (excl GST)

Expenditure amount (incl GST)

Supplier quotes

Enter item description

Enter the GST exclusive amount in this column

The column calculates automatically

This is where you upload your quote

For example:
Electrical wiring

For example:

For example:

For example:
Wiring quote.pdf

All applicants are required to enter GST exclusive amounts in the grant application.

If the applicant IS REGISTERED for GST, the funding will be provided GST exclusive. GST registered applicants can claim an input tax credit through the Australian Tax Office (ATO) for the GST component.

If the applicant IS NOT REGISTERED for GST, the funding will be provided GST inclusive.

Applicants must notify the Office for Veterans if their GST registration status changes.

The applicant is advised to seek independent professional advice on taxation obligations or seek assistance from the ATO on 13 28 69 or via its website The Office for Veterans is unable to provide advice on an applicant’s particular taxation circumstances.

Funding requested for projects and activities, including events, or purchases, orders or installation of assets and supplies, which have been completed before 01 March 2025 are not eligible. That is, you cannot claim for expenses before you start your project.

The Queensland Government is not responsible for any expenditure incurred until a grant agreement is executed. If your application is unsuccessful, the Queensland Government is not responsible for any expenditure incurred.

For the purpose of this grants program, ‘value for money’ is defined as a judgement based on the grant proposal representing an efficient, effective, economical and ethical use of public resources and determined from a variety of considerations.

When assessing the extent to which the application represents value for money, the grants assessment panel will consider:

  • the overall objective/s to be achieved in providing the grant
  • the relative value of the grant sought
  • the extent to which the evidence in the application demonstrates that it will contribute to meeting the outcomes/objectives.

The grants assessment panel is made up of representatives from government, industry and the veterans’ community.

Stakeholder engagement

If the applicant organisation does not own the property on which the project is being undertaken, they must provide written consent from the relevant property owner approving the project with their application.

For capital works grants, confirmation that the applicant organisation has approval to use the property for a period of time into the future (five years for the Major Capital Works Grants Program and two years for the Minor Capital Works Grants Program) from the date of the project completion is also required.

These documents are required to be dated within the last six months, on the property owner’s letterhead and signed.

Project and activity information

Under this program, military heritage objects must not commemorate an individual, must be related to active service (rather than training, or experience on the home front), and should enhance (or form part of a project to share) the object and its heritage with the broader community.

The protection of Australian Defence Force emblems and flags under the Defence Act 1903 (Cth) is administered by the Brand Managers at the Australian Government Department of Defence. This includes the Rising Sun Badge which is an official emblem of the Australian Army.

Contact information for each of the services is located below:

Assessment process

All eligible and compliant applications will be submitted to an independent grants assessment panel for evaluation. The grants assessment panel will review each application against the criteria and requirements outlined in the program guidelines. The grants assessment panel’s recommendations will be submitted to the Director-General, Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts for approval.

Weighted scoring allows key components of the assessment criteria to be prioritised. Applicants are encouraged to carefully consider the weighting applied to the assessment criteria.

Assessment criteria


Why is the project needed and how will it respond to the needs of the veterans’ community?


What outcomes and benefits will be delivered for the veterans’ community?


How does the project meet the program’s objectives?


How will the project be delivered?


Who is involved in the project and what support exists?


You will be notified of the outcome of your application at the end of the selection and approval process.

To be fair and equitable, it is not possible to provide information about the status of individual applications during the assessment process.

Timeframes are indicated in the program guidelines, although in some instances, timeframes may be modified.