Financial assistance

Planning your budget

A budget is a simple way to keep track of your money. It may help you save for upcoming bills or unplanned expenses. Try out the interactive budget planner.

No Interest Loan Scheme

The No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS) provides individuals and families on a low income access to safe, fair and affordable credit. Programs are run by local community organisations at over 600 locations across Australia.

To qualify you must:

  • have a Health Care Card/Pension Card or be on a low income
  • reside in your current premises for more than 3 months
  • show a willingness and capacity to repay.

In certain circumstances, the community organisation may consider amending the eligibility criteria upon loan application. Find your local provider.


Visit the Smart Savings website to find concessions and rebates or access information about concession cards.

Rent or mortgage assistance

You may be eligible for rent or mortgage assistance through:

Financial advice

Financial counsellors can provide you with advice about your finances, which may include:

  • assessing your financial position
  • choosing products to suit your financial position and needs
  • identifying your financial goals
  • helping you with decisions about how to better use your money.

If you need help to improve your financial situation you can:

Financial and emotional support

  • Centrelink delivers a range of payments and services for people at times of major change.
  • JobSeeker Payment offers financial help if you're between 22 and Age Pension age and looking for work. It is also for when you're sick or injured and can't do your usual work or study for a short time.
  • Youth Allowance offers financial help for people aged 16 to 24 years who are studying full-time, undertaking a full-time Australian Apprenticeship, training, looking for work or sick.

If you are out of work, financial and emotional support is also available from these community organisations:

Support from charities

Charity organisations provide a range of support directly to people in need.

Find out more