

Queensland is home to vibrant, prosperous and diverse communities. The scale and impact of disaster events requires Queensland to maintain a strong network of disaster management stakeholders that play a critical role in partnering with communities to prevent, prepare, respond to and recover from natural and man‑made disasters.

The Disaster Management Act 2003 (the Act) details the Queensland Disaster Management Arrangements (the Arrangements), which provide for a scalable response to disasters through all stages of prevention, preparedness, response and recovery. The Arrangements also outline the roles and responsibilities of key disaster management stakeholders, including disaster management groups, coordination centres and state government agencies.

The Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery Disaster Management Guideline (the Guideline) has been prepared in accordance with the Act and provides a comprehensive approach to disaster management processes, including the responsibilities and considerations for stakeholders at each phase of disaster management. Guideline content is supplemented by Toolkit items, which include manuals, reference guides, forms, templates, maps, diagrams and other related publications which further support stakeholders to understand and fulfil their responsibilities.

To ensure the accuracy and applicability of the Guideline and supplementary Toolkit information, new content is prepared by disaster management experts and consulted broadly within the disaster management sector. The Guideline is considered within the context of continuous improvements and is updated in response to lessons learned following disaster events.

I extend my sincere thanks to everyone involved in the development of the Guideline, including disaster management stakeholders and community leaders across Queensland that continue to partner in a spirit of resilience.

Greg Leach AFSM

Commissioner, Queensland Fire and Emergency Services

Proposals for amendment or addition to the content of the guideline are to be submitted via the Contact Us page.


