Get a workplace induction

Your workplace induction should be carried out:

  • by your workplace supervisor
  • and
  • during your probation (ideally on your first day of work as a new apprentice or trainee).

Induction checklist

Your induction should include:

  • An overview of the business.
  • A tour of the workplace and introductions to other employees.
  • An explanation of your role and responsibilities.
  • Expectations of all parties – you, your employer, workplace supervisor, Apprentice Connect Australia Provider and training organisation.
  • An explanation of working conditions including wages, working hours, start and finish times, dress code, breaks, leave and other entitlements.
  • Workplace health and safety rules, including fire and evacuation procedures.
  • Administrative paperwork (e.g. contracts and taxation forms).
  • Who to go to if there is a problem.