Register your training contract

A training contract is a formal agreement between you and your employer to work and train together for a length of time. It includes:

  • start date or 'commencement' date
  • duration or 'nominal term/period'
  • qualification details.

Your training contract is separate from your employment contract.

Step 1: Write up the contract

Your Apprentice Connect Australia Provider (Provider) will first help you write up the training contract.

It will be signed by:

  • you, the apprentice or trainee
  • your parent or guardian, if you are under 18 and still under their care and control
  • your employer.

School-based apprentices and trainees

Before your Provider helps you sign up with an employer, you will need:

  • to get the support of your school
  • and
  • negotiate how work and training will affect your school timetable.

Learn more about the requirements for school-based apprenticeships and traineeships.

Accurate information

All the information on the training contract must be correct and truthful. If a contract has false or misleading information, it will not be registered, or will be cancelled if already registered when we find out.

Incentive payments

During your sign-up meeting your Provider will advise you of any financial incentives you and/or your employer are eligible for.

Key dates

Action Time frame
The training contract must be completed and signed by all parties within 14 days of the start of the apprenticeship or traineeship
The training contract must be given to the Provider within 28 days of the start of the apprenticeship or traineeship

Step 2: Lodge the contract

Once the training contract is completed, your Provider will lodge it with us, the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training, for registration.

Step 3: Contact is registered

Once the training contract is registered, you will get a letter from us telling you that it has been officially registered.

Step 4: Acknowledgement letter

The acknowledgement letter will have important information such as:

  • registration number
  • start or 'commencement' date
  • end or 'nominal completion' date
  • occupational title (e.g. Business Level IV)
  • qualification title (e.g. Certificate IV in Business)
  • contract type (e.g. full-time, part-time or school-based)
  • name of your chosen training organisation
  • funding contribution amounts towards training, if applicable.

Step 5: Financial incentives

You will also receive a letter from your Provider explaining which government incentives you can claim. They will send all relevant claim forms.