Travel and accommodation allowance

If your closest training organisation, that offers your course, is a long distance from home, we may help pay for some of your travel costs.

What we pay

If you're eligible, we can pay the following costs.

Prior to 1 July 2024:

  • up to 32c/km for road and rail travel
  • $55 per night for intrastate accommodation
  • $105 per night for interstate accommodation for stays after 1 July 2023
  • for flights.

After 1 July 2024:

  • up to 33c/km for road and rail travel
  • $57 per night for intrastate accommodation
  • $109 per night for interstate accommodation for stays after 1 July 2024
  • for flights.

Under some industrial awards, your employer may have to pay a part of these costs. Find out more about these entitlements from the Fair Work Ombudsman.

Check your eligibility

To claim the travel and accommodation allowance, you must:

  • be a registered apprentice or trainee in Queensland
  • be part-time or full-time, but not school-based (see details below)
  • travel more than 100km return to your closest training organisation
  • claim your allowances within 6 months of travel.

We don't manage travel allowances for school-based apprentices and trainees; this is done by the schools. Contact your school to discuss your travel allowance.

Special situations

Depending on your situation, we may:

  • pay you before you travel (rather than putting in a claim afterwards)
  • pay you to go to your preferred training organisation, even if it's not the closest one
  • pay you for travel and accommodation, even if you have a cancelled apprenticeship or traineeship.

Contact us about your situation so we can try to help you.

Claim your allowance

To claim your travel and accommodation allowance, you can either:

Help for online travel claims

For help using our online claim form:

For further information, refer to the Travel and Accommodation Allowance: Policy statement.