Workplace problems

If you are having issues with your boss, workmates or workplace culture during your apprenticeship or traineeship, we can advise you and offer mediation, if necessary.

Summary of your entitlements

As an apprentice or trainee, you are entitled to:

If these things are not happening, we can help you deal with the issue by contacting us at Apprenticeships Info.

But first, try to resolve the issue yourself by using our problem-solving tips.

Resolve specific problems

I'm not being treated fairly at work

It's your right to be treated fairly at work, like any other employee.

Bullying, harassment and discrimination is not okay. It can be a criminal offence. Learn about workplace bullying and how to get help for yourself or to help someone else.

If you feel you have been treated unfairly, you should:

  1. Check if your workplace has a bullying policy and complaints procedure.
  2. Keep a diary of the times you feel bullied, harassed or treated unfairly, recording as much as you can.
  3. Approach the person or their supervisor, and ask for it to stop.
  4. If this fails, talk to your workplace health and safety officer or your union member.
  5. If this fails, contact us at Apprenticeships Info for advice and support options.

You can also reach out to advocacy and support services.

I've just been fired. What do I do?

The Fair Work Ombudsman has information regarding ending employment, including if you think you have been unfairly dismissed. You may also discuss your options with your Apprentice Connect Australia Provider.

My apprenticeship or traineeship was cancelled. Can I continue with another employer?

Yes, you can. Read about your options as a cancelled apprentice or trainee.

I'm not being supervised

Supervision is non-negotiable in apprenticeships and traineeships. We take this seriously.

You should:

  1. First, speak to your supervisor or boss, to try resolve it yourself—use our problem-solving tips.
  2. If this fails, contact us at Apprenticeships Info.

I'm not being trained

We take this seriously. Your employer must train you, as outlined in your training plan and if this is not happening, we need to know.

You should:

  1. First, speak to your supervisor or boss, to try resolve it yourself—use our problem-solving tips.
  2. If this fails, report it to us at Apprenticeships Info.

I'm not being released to go to training

You must be released for training, and this is written down in your training plan.

You should:

  1. Speak to your supervisor or boss to try resolve it yourself—use our problem-solving tips.
  2. If this fails, contact us at Apprenticeships Info.

I can't get my training record signed

Feedback, through regular review of your training record, is an essential part of your training.

You should:

  1. Speak to your supervisor or boss to try resolve it yourself—use our problem-solving tips.
  2. If this fails, report it to us at Apprenticeships Info.

I can't get my completion agreement signed

Some employers can't or won't sign these agreements, which stalls the completion process. We can help once we are notified.

You should:

  1. Speak to your training organisation first. They'll check whether you have completed your training or not.
  2. If this fails, report it to us at Apprenticeships Info.

I don't get along with my boss and/or my colleagues

This is unfortunate, but it can happen and is often temporary.

You should:

  1. Deal with this early, before things get worse.
  2. Try to resolve issues with our problem-solving tips.
  3. If this fails, contact us at Apprenticeships Info.