Get started as a school-based apprentice or trainee

School-based apprenticeships and traineeships (SATs) can give you a head start in your career. Follow these steps to become a school-based apprentice or trainee.

Step 1. Research career options

Think about what you enjoy doing and what your interests are—talk to family, friends, school career counsellors or guidance officers—and gather information on different career options.

Step 2. Understand how SATs work

SATs allow high school students (usually in Years 10, 11 or 12) to work and train towards a trade or vocational qualification and study towards their Queensland Certificate of Education at the same time.

Learn more about how they work, including information about hours, wages, training and duration.

Step 3. Check requirements

Check you meet all the specific requirements to undertake a SAT, including

  • age limits
  • paid work and minimum hours
  • parental consent
  • school support and timetables.

Learn more about eligibility and requirements.

Step 4. Find an employer

Unfortunately, we don't hold details of job vacancies so we can't match you with an employer. However, our advice may help you find a job.

Step 5. Choose an Apprentice Connect Australia Provider

Before starting the SAT, you and your employer need to choose an Apprentice Connect Australia Provider (Provider), who is responsible for:

  • signing you up as a school-based apprentice or trainee
  • arranging for the registration of the training contract
  • being your first point of call after registration.

Choose your Provider.

Step 6. Choose a training organisation and plan your training

Training organisations are responsible for:

  • developing your training plan, which outlines what, how, when and where training will be done
  • delivering training
  • carrying out assessment.

There are hundreds of training organisations delivering courses across Queensland and depending on the course and location, you may have options to choose from.

Choose your training organisation.

Step 7. Sign a training contract

The training contract is a formal agreement between you and your employer, which includes details such as:

  • signatories (you, employer, parent/guardian)
  • start date or 'commencement date'
  • duration or 'nominal term/period'
  • qualification details.

Find out how to register a training contract.

Step 8. Start probation

Probationary periods last 90 days for apprenticeships and 30–90 days for traineeships. Use this trial period to see if the apprenticeship or traineeship is the right fit for you, and if you and your employer can work together long term.

Find out more about probationary periods.

Step 9. Get an induction

During the probationary period, you will be inducted into your new workplace, which will include:

  • being given a tour of the workplace
  • being introduced to your supervisor.

Find out what else should happen during your induction.