Training limits for school-based apprentices

There is a limit to the amount of training that school-based apprentices can do while they are at school. These limits ensure the apprentice has enough workplace skills to match the theoretical training they have undertaken with their training organisation.

The limits depend on the full-time equivalent 'nominal term' (length) of the apprenticeship:

  • 4-year nominal term – a maximum of 33.3% of the units of competency—set of skills or knowledge—required under your training plan
  • 3-year nominal term – a maximum of 40% of the units of competency
  • 2-year nominal term – a maximum of 50% of the units of competency.

For example: A school-based apprentice is doing a carpentry apprenticeship. A carpentry apprenticeship has a full-time nominal term of 4 years; therefore, the school-based apprentice may only complete a maximum of 33.3% of the competencies in their qualification while still at school.

It is possible, but unusual, to exceed these limits. Your training organisation will need to apply to us, the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training, for approval.

Training limits do not apply to school-based trainees.