Bushfire warnings levels

All Queenslanders should be familiar with the official Bushfire Warning levels. When there's a bushfire in your area, it's up to you to take notice, seek information, and follow the actions appropriate to the warning level listed on the Queensland Fire Department website.

Watch the video about Bushfire Warnings on the QFES website.

The 3 levels of Bushfire Warnings are:

  • EMERGENCY WARNING (red): You’re in danger and need to take life-saving action immediately.
  • WATCH & ACT (orange): There’s a heightened level of threat and conditions are changing. Act now to protect yourself and your family.
  • ADVICE (yellow): There’s no immediate danger but you need to stay informed in case the situation changes.

The Bushfire Warning levels use the Australian Warning System nationally consistent set of icons:

bushfire warning levels

Video: How well do you know your bushfire warnings?

(Run time 2 minutes. Source: ABC News)

Authorities are urging all Australians to understand the official warning system and what life-saving action they should take.

More information

Learn more about the Bushfire Warning system on the QFES website at:

Learn more about the Australian Warning  System at: