Prepare your emergency plan

Having an Emergency Plan is an important step to prepare for, survive and cope with emergencies.

Know: All householders need to know where your Emergency Plan is kept.

Involve: all householders in your disasters preparations   so all understand risks and appropriate actions required in an emergency.

Practice: your Emergency Plan with all householders every few months to make sure everyone knows what to do if an emergency occurs.

The Emergency Plan is for you to complete for your household.

Here are four simple steps to help you, your family and household.

1. Research hazards and disaster management arrangements in your community.

  • What potential hazards could impact your community? Is there any information on Disaster Management Plans for these hazards?
    • Check with your local library and local council for information and plans.
    • Check with your local council about local warning systems, evacuation process and nominated evacuation routes.
  • Ask about emergency and evacuation plans at your workplace, school, and childcare providers. Check if they need details of your household emergency contacts.
  • What local support is available?
    • Ask for contact details of local support agencies and record these on your Emergency Plan.
    • If your household will need support to evacuate, find out what assistance is available from local council and support agencies.
  • Become familiar with weather warnings issued by the Bureau of Meteorology website and phone services

2. Discuss possible scenarios and responses with your household.

    • Discuss each hazard and potential scenarios.
    • What would you do in the event of each emergency?
    • Where might you be when such an emergency occurs?
  • Depending on the type of emergency, decide how you would keep in touch and where you would meet.
  • Does everyone know the Standard Emergency Warning Signal (SEWS) and what to do when this warning is issued? Learn more about the SEWS
  • You may need to prepare for evacuation. Discuss where to go if you were unable to return home or if you have to leave your home.
  • Nominate two meeting places in case of an emergency, one nearby, another outside your neighbourhood, everyone can easily get to.
  • Nominate two family members or friends who do not live with you (one local, one interstate) to be household emergency contacts in case you and your family become separated. Ensure everyone know how to contact these people.
  • Discuss medical conditions of household members. Include essential medications and dosages in your Emergency Kit. Consider  any special needs, including access to constant power, safe water or oxygen,  and whether these are best met at home or an external location.
  • Discuss what preparations are needed for your pets.

3. Record important details on your Emergency Plan, such as:

    • emergency and related phone numbers
    • Triple Zero (000),
    • 132 500 (SES)
    • medical services
    • local council
    • electricity and other service providers
    • insurance providers
    • relatives and friends
  • All householder mobile phones, other numbers such as work, school, childcare providers, friends, neighbours and your household emergency contacts.
  • Details of the two meeting places you have nominated.
  • Any specific medical conditions, essential medications and dosage.
  • Details for your pets—descriptions, photo, veterinarian contact details, medication.
  • Radio frequency of your local ABC radio station, Bureau of Meteorology website and telephone weather services for local warnings.

4. Ensure everyone in your household is prepared

  • Prepare an Emergency Kit and store in a safe, accessible place.
  • Review and practise your Emergency Plan regularly (three times per year).
  • Teach children how and when to call Triple Zero (000) in an emergency (use 112 from mobile phones). Only call Triple Zero (000) if you believe the emergency is life threatening, critical or serious.
  • Ensure householders have current First Aid certification. Include a fully stocked First Aid Kit in your Emergency Kit. First aid training and equipment is provided by the Queensland Ambulance Service
  • Tune into warnings.
  • Create wallet emergency cards for all household members to refer to when activating your Emergency Plan.
  • Ensure everyone know where and when to turn off the main power, water and gas supply in case of evacuation.
  • Display your Emergency Plan on the fridge or household notice board, provide copies to household members, relevant friends, family and neighbours and keep a copy in your Emergency Kit.
  • Consider joining a community emergency services organisation such as the State Emergency Service (SES) to learn more and help your community prepare for and respond to natural disasters.