Book QAS services for special events

If you are experiencing an emergency, dial Triple Zero (000).

What is a special event?

A special event is an organised activity or entertainment with a potential for injury or illness among spectators or participants.
Examples of special events include:

  • sporting functions
  • agricultural, industrial or commercial exhibitions and shows
  • rodeos, campdrafts or any meeting involving horses
  • processions, fetes, fairs or fun runs.

When do you need QAS services?

The Queensland Ambulance Service is often requested to attend special events for a variety of different reasons. Special event organisers may request QAS attendance to:

  • discharge their duty of care to event participants
  • meet public liability insurance requirements
  • involve QAS as a community service provider.

If you are organising a special event in Queensland you will have a legal duty of care to provide appropriate levels of health care for people attending your event. If your special event has a high likelihood of injury, you may need to contract the QAS for a dedicated ambulance service to fulfil terms of public liability insurance. The QAS can assist you to assess the health care needs for your special event.

QAS services for special events

The QAS provides two distinct categories of services for special events:

Standby ambulance service

The provision of a standby ambulance service can be considered in circumstances where the risks associated with the special event are low and the location of the event is operationally compatible with the normal deployment of QAS services to the wider community.

Under these arrangements, the ambulance vehicle/s and officer/s in attendance at the special event will respond to requests for first aid or ambulance services at the special event as well as any requests for QAS services within the wider community. When available, a standby ambulance service can be provided at no cost to special event organisers.

Dedicated ambulance service

The provision of a dedicated ambulance service is appropriate where the special event has a moderate to high potential for serious injury or illness. Examples include horse racing, motor racing, rodeos, professional football matches, marathons etc.

By arrangement with the special event organiser, and if QAS is able to provide a dedicated ambulance service, QAS will provide an ambulance vehicle/s and officer/s at an agreed location during defined time periods to facilitate both emergency and routine responses to special event participants and spectators. Specific charges for this service are payable to QAS by the special event organisers.

The ambulance vehicle/s and officer/s will be dedicated to the special event and, except in extraordinary circumstances, will not respond to emergency medical incidents outside the event venue.

Fees for the provision of QAS services

Depending on the ambulance services required at your special event, the cost will vary. The QAS is a non-profit Queensland government service provider. The fees that we charge for a dedicated ambulance service at special events are intended to cover only the costs incurred by QAS while providing ambulance services at the event. Without the collection of fees, QAS is unable to provide a dedicated ambulance service to special events.

Eligibility for a QAS subsidy

If special event organisers would like QAS to provide a dedicated ambulance service for their special event and are otherwise unable to provide funding for those services, QAS will consider subsidising its services for any special event that fits the following criteria:

  • the special event does not contribute to commercial endeavours
  • the special event does not generate revenue for special event organisers
  • the special event does not involve the deliberate engagement in or exposure to high-risk activities
  • the special event provides significant benefit to the wider community (not just small interest groups).

Treatment of non-Queensland residents

Regardless of whether QAS is providing a standby or dedicated ambulance service at a special event, if treatment is provided to a patient who is not a resident of Queensland, then the individual shall be charged in accordance with the regulatory fees set out under the Ambulance Service Regulation 2015. No subsidy is applicable to these charges.

How to request QAS services at your event

When requesting QAS services, minimum notice of 21 days is required to guarantee the availability of our services at your special event.

For all Queensland areas, enquiries can be directed to the Smart Service Queensland Contact Centre on telephone number 13 QGOV (13 74 68) or via the booking form below.

Once your booking information has been received, QAS will appraise the operational risk and resources required to service your special event. The QAS will then forward a Customer Service Advice form to the special event organiser within two to four working days, advising of any recommended QAS services and associated costs. To confirm your booking, the special event organiser must return the form with their signed acceptance of the QAS terms and conditions of service at least seven days prior to the special event commencement date.

Standing offer agreement for QAS services at special events

A Standing Offer Agreement is available for regular special events customers (e.g. horse racing, football matches etc.). The agreement eliminates the need to complete a signed quote for each event and/or variation to an event. Enquiries can be directed to the Smart Service Queensland Contact Centre on telephone number 13 QGOV (13 74 68).

View our rates—costs associated with travel and vehicle preparation will be included in the quote.

Please read the terms and conditions for using this service.

  1. Event details
    1. When is your event?
    2. Address of event
    3. Will there be alcohol present at the event? *
    4. What time do you need the ambulance at your event?
  2. Contact details
    1. Contact name