Recycling Qld – let’s get it sorted

The top five materials – dos and don’ts

Many items are recyclable but not all of them belong in the yellow lid bin. Most bottles, jars and containers, hard plastics and paper and cardboard do belong. For all other items check with your council or visit Recycle Mate to find an alternative location for recyclables, that don’t belong in your kerbside yellow lid bin.


Do go in your yellow lid bin

  • milk bottles
  • yoghurt and ice cream tubs
  • skin care and shampoo bottles
  • detergent and soap bottles
  • soft drink and juice bottles*

Don’t go in your yellow lid bin

  • plastic toys
  • soft plastics including plastic bags or plastic packaging


Do go in your yellow lid bin

  • food tins
  • pet food tins
  • baby formula tins

Don’t go in your yellow lid bin

  • scrap metal
  • paint tins
  • batteries


Do go in your yellow lid bin

  • aerosol deodorants (empty)
  • aerosol hair sprays (empty)
  • aerosol cooking sprays (empty)
  • insect sprays (empty)
  • foil (clean tray/foil wrap scrunched into a ball)
  • drink cans*

Don’t go in your yellow lid bin

  • aluminium saucepans
  • aluminium window frames


Do go in your yellow lid bin

  • sauce bottles
  • jam jars
  • oil and vinegar bottles
  • juice bottles*
  • alcohol bottles*

Don’t go in your yellow lid bin

  • drinking glasses
  • glass cookware
  • lightbulbs
  • windows or mirrors

Paper and cardboard

Do go in your yellow lid bin

  • pizza boxes (free of food waste)
  • glossy magazines, brochures and catalogues
  • wrapping paper (no glitter)
  • toilet rolls
  • cereal boxes
  • egg cartons
  • milk cartons
  • juice containers including poppers*

Don’t go in your yellow lid bin

  • biodegradable cups and plates
  • tissues and paper towels
  • paper or cardboard products inside paper bags or cardboard boxes

* Remember that eligible drink containers can be returned to Containers for Change for a 10 cent refund.

In this guide:

  1. Keep it loose – don't bag your recycling
  2. Get your plastics sorted
  3. Get your metals sorted
  4. Make sorting your recycling simple
  5. Get your paper and cardboard sorted
  6. Get your glass sorted
  7. The top five materials – dos and don’ts
  8. Recycling facts and myths
  9. Useful links

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