Recycling Qld – let’s get it sorted

Get your metals sorted

Jeremy aces recycling around the home 👏 He puts metals like aerosols, aluminium foil and food tins in the yellow lid bin.

Duration 0:15 |

Meet the Williams family. They are mighty messy eaters. They keep the stain remover right there on the table. And they’re efficient with recycling too putting their aerosol cans, food tins and aluminium foil into the yellow lid bin. Let’s get it sorted.

Recycling aluminium and steel saves resources and uses less energy than producing these metals from raw materials. Aluminium can be recycled over and over again without losing its quality.

Many items are recyclable but not all of them belong in the yellowlid bin. Check with your local council or visit Recycle Mate to find an alternative location for recyclables that don’t belong in your kerbside yellow lid bin.

Let’s get it sorted.

Some of the common metal household items you can put in your yellow lid bin are:


Do go in your yellow lid bin

  • baby formula tins
  • coffee and chocolate milk tins
  • food tins
  • pet food tins

Don’t go in your yellow lid bin

  • scrap metal
  • paint tins
  • batteries


Do go in your yellow lid bin

  • aerosol deodorants (empty)
  • aerosol hair sprays (empty)
  • aerosol cooking sprays (empty)
  • insect sprays (empty)
  • foil (clean tray/foil wrap scrunched into a ball)
  • drink cans*

Don’t go in your yellow lid bin

  • aluminium saucepans
  • aluminium window frames

*Remember that eligible containers can be returned to Containers for Change for a 10 cent refund.


In this guide:

  1. Keep it loose – don't bag your recycling
  2. Get your plastics sorted
  3. Get your metals sorted
  4. Make sorting your recycling simple
  5. Get your paper and cardboard sorted
  6. Get your glass sorted
  7. The top five materials – dos and don’ts
  8. Recycling facts and myths
  9. Useful links

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