Recycling Qld – let’s get it sorted

Get your plastics sorted

Let's get your hard plastics sorted ✅ Put milk bottles and yoghurt tubs in your yellow lid bin to be recycled.

Duration 0:15 |

Meet Michael and his son Jeremy Williams. They’re on the bulk. So far this week they’ve used six litres of milk and a whole tub of ice cream. They’re huge and huge on recycling hard plastics. Let’s get it sorted.

Hard plastics can be recycled into new products, such as garden furniture, piping, and decking.

Let’s get it sorted.

Some of the common hard plastic household items you can put in your yellow lid bin are:

  • milk bottles
  • butter, yogurt and ice cream tubs
  • skin care and shampoo bottles
  • cleaning, detergent and soap bottles
  • soft drink and juice bottles.*

Check your local council’s website for more details.

* Remember eligible containers can be returned to Containers for Change for a 10 cent refund.

In this guide:

  1. Keep it loose – don't bag your recycling
  2. Get your plastics sorted
  3. Get your metals sorted
  4. Make sorting your recycling simple
  5. Five materials you can recycle in your yellow lid bin
  6. Get your paper and cardboard sorted
  7. Get your glass sorted
  8. Useful links

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