Information for carbon project developers

The total funds to be invested through the LRF Investment Round 3 is up to $50 million with a maximum of $10 million per project, noting that a project may comprise more than one registered carbon farming project.

Below is a summary of the key changes made for Investment Round 3.

Eligibility changes

1.1 Increased requirement for priority methods

At least 50% of all Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) contracted to the LRF through Round 3 must be generated from priority vegetation and savanna burning methods, known as Tier 1 methods. Find out more about Tier 1 and 2 methods in the Round 3 Guidelines (PDF, 846.4 KB) .

Application process changes

2.1 Application Stage 1 requested an indicative project value and ACCU volume estimate only

The assessment of applications for Round 3 involves two stages. Stage 1 applications were asked for estimates of the total investment sought from the LRF and number of ACCUs to be generated and sold to the LRF.

In Stage 1, applicants were asked to submit:

  • an indicative project price
  • an estimate of the total ACCUs the project will deliver
  • an estimate of the total ACCUs the project will contract to the LRF.

Shortlisted applications must provide a fully costed commercial proposition in assessment Stage 2.

Step through the updated application process for Round 3 in the Applicant process map (PDF, 473 KB) .

Assessment changes

3.1 Priority consideration given to projects:

  • using vegetation or savanna burning methods that demonstrate improved outcomes for threatened ecosystems and/or unregulated vegetation (‘Category X’ under the Vegetation Management Act 1999)
  • that nominate a 100-year permanence period
  • that include a commitment to some form of recognised legal security over the project area, over and above the protection of the permanence period, e.g. a nature refuge (private protected area under the Nature Conservation Act 1992).

Projects that do not include one of the above priorities remained eligible.

Contracting changes

4.1 Revised contract (Project Investment Agreement)

Proponents have the option to sell surplus project ACCUs with co-benefits attached on the private market.

Workshop registration

The LRF in partnership with NRM Regions Queensland and the Queensland Farmers’ Federation held workshops and webinars in April 2023. Watch the recording of the Landholder Webinar.

Future Investment Rounds

Be notified of new carbon farming opportunities available through the LRF by signing up to the mailing list.

Investment Round 3 resources