Information for landholders

Investment Round 3 is now closed. The below information is provided to help landholders explore carbon farming in Queensland and access information and resources made available during Round 3.

The Land Restoration Fund (LRF) is Queensland’s $500 million fund investing in high quality carbon farming projects. The LRF invests in land management projects that not only keep carbon in the ground, but also deliver positive impacts or ‘co-benefits’ for our environment and communities.

Understanding how the LRF values carbon and co-benefits is key to building a strong project application.

The following resources are recommended for anyone new to carbon farming or the LRF and should be read before starting an application.

Getting started

Designing and registering a carbon farming project is complex. Some landholders find it most efficient to have a professional carbon project developer complete the application and manage the subsequent project. Other landholders choose to manage the application and project themselves.

It is important to decide which approach best suits you. Landholders should seek independent advice prior to entering any commercial arrangement that may have legal or financial implications for your land or land management practices.

Find out what it takes to put together a successful application for the LRF, with or without third party assistance, from those who have an established LRF project.

Investment Round 3 workshops

The LRF in partnership with NRM Regions Queensland and the Queensland Farmers’ Federation held workshops and webinars in April 2023.

Watch the recording of the landholder webinar.

Investment Round 3 resources

Preparing for future rounds

The process of assessing your property, developing a project plan and submitting an application takes time.

Be notified of new Investment Rounds by signing up to the LRF mailing list.

Helpful links

Take advantage of free online education tools and calculators to help you identify potential carbon farming opportunities on your property.

Carbon Farming Foundation resources

  • Education Hub – Explore more than 40 articles and videos explaining carbon farming topics in detail.
  • Carbon Farming FAQs – A list of succinct answers to common carbon farming questions.

Meat and Livestock Australia resources

CSIRO Landscape options and opportunities for carbon abatement calculator

Other resources