Duration 1:51

Our Threatened Species Program 2020–2040 brings together First Nations people, landholders, researchers, businesses, government, non-government organisations, volunteers and local communities to deliver critical research, conservation and recovery programs. It details the long-term plan to protect our most vulnerable flora and fauna and mitigate the threats they face.

Queensland is home to 85% of Australia’s mammals, 72% of birds, just over 50% of reptiles and frogs, plus over 14,000 plant species. Many of these species are unique to Queensland.

Sadly, more than 1000 species are on the threatened species list because they are at risk of extinction.

The Queensland Government is dedicated to leading threatened species research, conservation and recovery through both investment and action. By adopting a strategic and coordinated approach with our partners, we are improving the outlook for threatened species and their habitats.

Our work and partners

Threatened species conservation requires ongoing efforts, funding and collaboration with our partners.  The Queensland Government’s work to deliver projects that conserve  threatened species and mitigate threats is guided by research, monitoring and evaluation.

Assessing threatened species

A threatened species is any plant or animal species that has been assessed as being at risk of extinction. They are assigned to different wildlife classes depending on the degree of risk, based on scientific data. Search the Threatened Species Listing Report for information on all threatened species in Queensland.

How you can help

There are many opportunities to support the Queensland Government’s Threatened Species Program. Individuals and organisations can help raise awareness of threatened species and contribute to their survival through on-ground action or supporting recovery programs.


Access databases and resources that provide more information about our threatened species. You can also see some threatened species and learn more about them at one of the Queensland Government's Gateway Visitor Centres.

Recovery in action

Read our case studies to learn more about the actions we’re taking to protect and recover threatened species and their habitats.