Changes made to wildlife categories on 1 September 2024

The Species Technical Committee (STC) has assessed the status of 38 fauna species and 76 flora species in accordance with the requirements of the Nature Conservation Act 1992 as well as best practice international species reclassification guidelines (see tables below).

Reclassification of 38 fauna species
(Schedule 1 – Nature Conservation (Animals) Regulation 2020)
ClassTaxon Common name Former Qld status New Qld status
Actinopterygii Bidyanus bidyanus silver perch Not listed Endangered
Cairnsichthys bitaeniatus Daintree rainbowfish Not listed Critically endangered
Cairnsichthys rhombosomoides Cairns rainbowfish Not listed Endangered
Centroberyx affinis redfish Not listed Critically endangered
Chlamydogobius squamigenus Edgbaston goby Endangered Critically endangered
Maccullochella mariensis Mary River cod Not listed Endangered
Mogurnda clivicola Flinders Ranges mogurnda Not listed Endangered
Stiphodon surrufus emerald cling goby Vulnerable Endangered
Arachnida Euoplos grandis Darling Downs giant trapdoor spider Not listed Vulnerable
Aves Arenaria interpres ruddy turnstone Least concern Vulnerable
Calidris acuminata sharp-tailed sandpiper Least concern Vulnerable
Calidris canutus red knot Endangered Vulnerable
Calidris tenuirostris great knot Critically endangered Vulnerable
Gallinago hardwickii Latham’s snipe Least concern Vulnerable
Limnodromus semipalmatus Asian dowitcher Least concern Vulnerable
Limosa lapponica baueri Western Alaskan bar-tailed godwit Vulnerable Endangered
Limosa limosa black-tailed godwit Least concern Endangered
Numenius madagascariensis eastern curlew Endangered Critically endangered
Pezoporus occidentalis night parrot Endangered Critically endangered
Pluvialis squatarola grey plover Least concern Vulnerable
Tringa nebularia common greenshank Least concern Endangered
Xenus cinereus terek sandpiper Least concern Vulnerable
Chondrichthyes Sphyrna lewini scalloped hammerhead Not listed Endangered
Gastropoda Adclarkia cameroni brigalow woodland snail Vulnerable Endangered
Malacostraca Euastacus balanensis Balan spiny crayfish Not listed Endangered
Euastacus fleckeri Flecker's crayfish Not listed Endangered
Euastacus urospinosus Maleny crayfish Not listed Endangered
Euastacus yigara Cardwell hairy crayfish Not listed Critically endangered
Mammalia Hemibelideus lemuroides lemuroid ringtail possum Critically endangered Endangered
Petrogale coenensis Cape York rock-wallaby Vulnerable Endangered
Rhinolophus robertsi greater large-eared horseshoe bat Endangered Vulnerable
Sminthopsis douglasi Julia Creek dunnart Endangered Vulnerable
Reptilia Ctenotus rawlinsoni Cape heath ctenotus Vulnerable Endangered
Elusor macrurus Mary River turtle Endangered Critically endangered
Emoia atrocostata australis littoral whip-tail skink Vulnerable Least concern
Lygisaurus tanneri Endeavour River litter-skink Vulnerable Near threatened
Saltuarius wyberba granite leaf-tailed gecko Least concern Endangered
Sarcopterygii Neoceratodus forsteri Australian lungfish Not listed Vulnerable
Reclassification of 76 flora species
(Schedule 1 - Nature Conservation (Plants) Regulation 2020)
Taxon Former Qld status New Qld status
Acacia anadenia Least concern Vulnerable
Acacia grandifolia Least concern Near threatened
Acacia pubifolia Vulnerable Endangered
Acacia saxicola Endangered Vulnerable
Allocasuarina filidens Vulnerable Endangered
Allocasuarina rigida subsp. exsul Vulnerable Critically endangered
Amblovenatum tildeniae Critically endangered Remove listing (no longer recognised as a valid species)
Amomum queenslandicum Critically endangered Endangered
Asplenium normale Vulnerable Critically endangered
Austromuellera valida Vulnerable Critically endangered
Backhousia hughesii Least concern Critically endangered
Bergera crenulata Endangered Critically endangered
Berrya rotundifolia Vulnerable Endangered
Bulbophyllum maxillare Endangered Near threatened
Bulbophyllum windsorense Vulnerable Critically endangered
Bulbophyllum wolfei Vulnerable Critically endangered
Bursaria reevesii Vulnerable Endangered
Cassia sp. (Como P.Grimshaw+ G507) Least concern Critically endangered
Ceratopetalum corymbosum Vulnerable Critically endangered
Cinnamomum propinquum Vulnerable Critically endangered
Citrus inodora Vulnerable Endangered
Corchorus thozetii Extinct in the wild Critically endangered
Croton magneticus Vulnerable Endangered
Crudia papuana Vulnerable Critically endangered
Dendrobium malbrownii Vulnerable Near threatened
Diospyros areolifolia Vulnerable Critically endangered
Dissiliaria tuckeri Vulnerable Endangered
Dracophyllum sayeri Vulnerable Endangered
Ehretia microphylla Vulnerable Near threatened
Eidothea zoexylocarya Vulnerable Near threatened
Elaeocarpus carbinensis Least concern Critically endangered
Elaeocarpus thelmae Vulnerable Endangered
Embelia flueckigeri Extinct in the wild Critically endangered
Euodia hylandii Near threatened Vulnerable
Flindersia oppositifolia Vulnerable Critically endangered
Gastrodia crebriflora Vulnerable Critically endangered
Globba marantina Vulnerable Endangered
Goodenia arenicola Extinct in the wild Critically endangered
Gossia lewisensis Least concern Critically endangered
Gossia punctata Least concern Critically endangered
Grastidium tozerense Vulnerable Near threatened
Helicia grayi Vulnerable Endangered
Helicia lewisensis Vulnerable Endangered
Hymenophyllum digitatum Vulnerable Endangered
Ipomoea saintronanensis Vulnerable Endangered
Jedda multicaulis Vulnerable Near threatened
Kayea larnachiana Vulnerable Endangered
Kunzea sericothrix Endangered Critically endangered
Lenwebbia lasioclada Least concern Critically endangered
Lenwebbia sp. (Blackall Range P.R.Sharpe 5387) Endangered Critically endangered
Lepisanthes senegalensis Vulnerable Endangered
Litsea granitica Vulnerable Endangered
Livistona drudei Vulnerable Endangered
Lychnothamnus barbatus Vulnerable Critically endangered
Micromyrtus patula Endangered Vulnerable
Musa jackeyi Endangered Critically endangered
Olearia hygrophila Endangered Critically endangered
Panicum chillagoanum Vulnerable Least concern
Parapolystichum grayi Vulnerable Critically endangered
Philotheca sporadica Near threatened Endangered
Pluchea alata Endangered Near threatened
Psydrax reticulata Vulnerable Least concern
Ptilotus extenuatus Endangered Critically endangered
Ptilotus senarius Extinct in the wild Critically endangered
Rhodamnia glabrescens Near threatened Critically endangered
Rhodamnia pauciovulata Least concern Critically endangered
Rhodamnia spongiosa Least concern Critically endangered
Ristantia pachysperma Least concern Critically endangered
Ristantia waterhousei Vulnerable Critically endangered
Sarcolobus vittatus Vulnerable Endangered
Scleromitrion gibsonii Endangered Critically endangered
Solanum stenopterum Vulnerable Endangered
Styphelia malayana subsp. novoguineensis Vulnerable Critically endangered
Wetria australiensis Vulnerable Critically endangered
Wodyetia bifurcata Vulnerable Near threatened
Xylosma craynii Vulnerable Critically endangered
Nomenclature changes (Schedule 1 - Nature Conservation (Animals) Regulation 2020)
Current scientific name Qld status New scientific name
Eclectus roratus macgillivrayi, eclectus parrot (Australian subspecies) V Eclectus polychloros macgillivrayi, eclectus parrot (Cape York Peninsula)
Elseya oneiros, Gulf snapping turtle V Elseya lavarackorum, Gulf snapping turtle
Lophochroa leadbeateri leadbeateri, Major Mitchell’s cockatoo E Cacatua leadbeateri leadbeateri, Major Mitchell’s cockatoo
Petauroides minor, northern greater glider V Petauroides volans minor, northern greater glider
Petauroides volans (southern and central populations), greater glider (southern and central populations) E Petauroides volans volans, southern greater glider
Petaurus australis unnamed subsp., yellow-bellied gilder (northern subspecies) E Petaurus australis brevirostrum, northern yellow-bellied gilder
Psephotus chrysopterygius, golden-shouldered parrot E Psephotellus chrysopterygius, golden-shouldered parrot
Psephotus pulcherrimus, paradise parrot X Psephotellus pulcherrimus, paradise parrot
Rhinolophus philippinensis, greater large-eared horseshoe bat E Rhinolophus robertsi, greater large-eared horseshoe bat
Nomenclature changes (Schedule 1 - Nature Conservation (Plants) Regulation 2020)
Current scientific name Qld status New scientific name
Corymbia leptoloma V Blakella leptoloma
Corymbia petalophylla V Blakella petalophylla
Corymbia scabrida NT Blakella scabrida
Crepidium fimbriatum V Dienia fimbriata
Crepidium flavovirens V Dienia flavovirens
Crepidium lawleri E Dienia lawleri
Helicia recurva NT Helicia lewisensis
Murraya crenulata E Bergera crenulata
Pneumatopteris costata NT Reholttumia costata
Pneumatopteris pennigera E Pakau pennigera
Styphelia sp. (Coolmunda D.Halford Q1635) LC Styphelia attenuata
Tetramolopium sp. (Mt Bowen D.G.Fell+ DGF1224) V Tetramolopium ornans
Legend and aids to interpretation
ReferenceAid to interpretation
Extinct in the wild (X) See decision criteria
Endangered (E) See decision criteria
Critically endangered (CE) See decision criteria
Vulnerable (V) See decision criteria
Near threatened (NT) See decision criteria
Least concern (LC) See decision criteria