Hummock grasslands

Triodia basedowii hummock grassland with Corymbia terminalis and Grevillea striata emergents, South of Jundah, CHC.
Triodia basedowii hummock grassland with Corymbia terminalis and Grevillea striata emergents, South of Jundah, CHC.
VJ Neldner
Triodia mitchellii hummock grassland with emergent Eucalyptus melanophloia, Near Bollon, MUL.
TJ Eyre

Habitat type: Hummock grasslands

Other key words: Spinnifex, sand plains, open hummock grassland, Dunes open forbland.

Description: Hummock grasslands occur on infertile sand plains and dune fields, rocky hills and mountain range slopes, as well as normally-dry watercourses and salt lake systems. This vegetation type of western Queensland is dominated by spinifex or porcupine grasses (Triodia species) but not to be confused with Spinifex species of coastal areas. These species are hummock-forming evergreen perennials, which appear as mounds up to 1m in height. Hard spinifex (Triodia basedowii), Triodia pungens, giant grey spinifex (T. longiceps) or buck spinifex (T. mitchellii) dominate hummock grasslands. In some areas, the grasslands are sparsely wooded with species of Acacia, Senna, Grevillea, Eucalyptus, and/or Corymbia. Many other grasses and forbs also occur. The vegetation provides shelter for a large variety of reptiles and small marsupials.

Some animals that use this habitat type: Striated grasswren, rufous-crowned emu-wren, wongai ningaui, fat-tailed dunnart, Sandy inland mouse, sand monitor, Eyrean earless dragon, desert skink.