About the ban

A range of single-use plastic items are banned from supply in Queensland.

The banned single-use plastic items are:

  • straws and stirrers
  • plates, unenclosed bowls, and cutlery
  • expanded polystyrene (EPS) takeaway food containers and EPS cups
  • cotton buds with plastic stems
  • expanded polystyrene loose packaging
  • plastic microbeads in rinseable personal care and cleaning products.

The outdoor release of lighter-than-air (for example, helium) balloons is also banned. You can still sell, buy, supply or use these balloons as long as they aren’t released outdoors or don’t escape into the environment.

Shopping bags made from plastic film need to meet these material and reusability requirements:

  • 35 microns or more in thickness
  • be made from a minimum of 80% recycled content verified by a recognised program or certification
  • be durable and big enough to carry 10 kilograms of weight for at least 125 uses verified by a recognised reusability, durability or endurance test.

Expanding the ban

Community, industry and business consultation has shown strong support to expand the ban of single-use plastics.

A five-year roadmap shows how the Queensland Government plans to continue to consult with suppliers, manufacturers and businesses on the inclusion of additional single-use plastic items in the ban, including single-use takeaway coffee cups and lids.

This will provide industry and businesses with an opportunity to provide feedback regarding supply chain challenges, sourcing suitable alternatives and timeframes, and preparing for future actions.

Who to contact

Visit the Queensland Plastics Ban website for more information or call the National Retail Association Hotline on 1800 844 946.

Additional information