Air reports and plans

We produce a range of reports and publications with the data collected at our air monitoring stations. These publications are available from our online library catalogue.


The National Environment Protection Measure for Ambient Air Quality (Air NEPM) requires annual reporting of Queensland’s air quality against the standards.

The requirement applies to 16 stations across the state and focuses on normal population exposure (e.g. stations that are not close to industrial areas or major roads).

View the latest Air NEPM report: Queensland air monitoring report 2023 (PDF, 2.4 MB) .

To access previous reports, go to our library catalogue and search for: Air NEPM reports.

Until 2005, we also produced annual reports for all Queensland monitoring stations—not just those required by the Air NEPM. To access these reports, go to our library catalogue and search for:

  • 2005 annual summary and trend report
  • annual summary and trend report (to view previous versions).

Monthly bulletins

We issue monthly bulletins with detailed data about air quality in Southern, Central and Northern Queensland.

View our latest bulletins:

To view previous versions of our bulletins, go to the library catalogue and search for: air quality bulletin.


The air emissions inventory was published in 2004 to provide information on the sources of air pollutants in South East Queensland and possible future trends.

Ambient air quality monitoring plan for Queensland

The ambient air quality monitoring plan was prepared in 2001 to outline how Queensland air quality would meet the National Environment Protection Measure for Ambient Air Quality (Air NEPM).

Air quality sampling manual

The air quality sampling manual provides guidance on measuring ambient air quality and emissions to the atmosphere.

Read more

See our monitoring programs and investigations.