Childcare contacts

Phone helplines, websites and email contacts are listed below to help you find more information about Queensland's childcare services, including regulations and financial help that may be available.

For parents

*Calls from mobiles are charged at applicable rates.

Child Care Subsidy

  • My Child Hotline: 1800 670 305** (9.00am–5.30pm, Australian Eastern Standard Time)
  • Services Australia: phone 13 61 50

**If you are calling from a mobile phone, you may pay a timed rate.

For service providers

National regulations and teaching queries

All childcare services

Kindergarten program providers

Kindergarten services—contact your central governing body

Long day care services—contact your nearest regional office

Education and Care Services Act 2013

This Act applies to Queensland education and care services that are not captured under the National Quality Framework.

For information about this Act, you can:

More information about education and care services legislation.

Peak organisations

These peak organisations can help with things like recruitment and how to provide a quality program:

Financial help

Queensland kindergarten funding