Drug and alcohol education

Communities, parents and the government share a responsibility to ensure that children and young people are aware of the possible consequences of drug and alcohol use and know where to go if they need help.

Information on drugs and alcohol is available to help parents guide and inform their children. This page provides links and contacts for some of those resources.

Talking to your children

Research shows that young people look to their parents for advice about drugs and alcohol and value their parent's point of view.

When talking to your child you should be:

  • clear about where you stand
  • honest
  • informed.

Make sure you have the facts when answering your child’s questions.

Research and read about:

Drug and alcohol fact sheets are available to help you guide and advise your child.

Warning signs of drug and alcohol use

Dramatic changes in appearance and behaviour don’t always mean that your child has a problem with alcohol or other drugs. It can be a normal part of growing up or an indication of something else that's bothering them (e.g. pressure at school).

Read about the signs of drug use and how to raise this with your child.

Search the Australian Drug Information Network for information on topics like drink spiking and harm minimisation.

Help and support

If you suspect that your child needs help with a drug or alcohol related problem, contact:

If you need help with your own alcohol or drug use, contact:

Treatment services are also provided in local communities by Queensland Hospital and Health Services, non-government and private organisations.

They include:

  • comprehensive assessments
  • brief interventions
  • counselling
  • rehabilitation (residential and non-residential)
  • withdrawal management
  • pharmacotherapies
  • case management and care coordination.

Search for a drug and alcohol treatment service near you.

To locate an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Service in your local area, visit the Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council site.

Read more about addiction recovery.

Information for your children

Many websites offer information aimed at young people. Encourage your child to read more about keeping themselves safe and making smart decisions about drugs and alcohol. You may also find this information useful.

Supplying alcohol to people under 18

It is only legal to supply alcohol to a person under 18 if you are a 'responsible adult' for that person, are supervising them responsibly, and are in a private place.

In most instances, it is an offence for an adult to supply alcohol to anyone under 18 and you could be fined up to $12,904 if you break this law.


Is your child finishing school this year and planning an end-of-year trip? If they are, you should talk to them about ways to stay safe, like:

  • drinking in moderation—drink water or non-alcoholic drinks to space out alcoholic drinks
  • knowing their limits and not losing control—accidents and fights can happen when you drink too much alcohol too quickly
  • why they don’t need to drink to have fun—they can have a great time without getting drunk, there are heaps of alcohol-free activities at Schoolies.

Find out more ways your child can stay safe at Schoolies.

Government and community programs

There are various government and community initiatives aimed at drug and alcohol education and awareness, including: