Land trusts and other land-holding entities

In Queensland, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people may get ownership of land through land transfers.

In the past, land trusts were established to hold this land for the benefit of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. New land trusts are no longer being established, and land is now granted to either:

Existing land trusts continue to function as usual and are administered under the Queensland Government's Aboriginal Land Act 1991 or Torres Strait Islander Land Act 1991.

Existing land trusts can transfer all its land and assets to a corporation that has been established under CATSIA.

See map of land trusts and other entities holding Aboriginal and Torres Island land (PDF, 2.5MB) under the Aboriginal Land Act 1991 and Torres Strait Islander Land Act 1991.

Role and responsibilities of land trusts

Trustees manage a land trust to ensure it:

  • functions under a constitution
  • has an executive committee with a chairperson
  • maintains appropriate records of decisions and transactions
  • holds regular meetings in accordance with the Aboriginal Land Act 1991 or Torres Strait Islander Land Act 1991 and its constitution
  • provides compliance documents to the Chief Executive at the end of each financial year.

A land trust can:

  • acquire, hold or dispose of property
  • borrow, receive and spend money
  • sue and be sued in its corporate name
  • employ staff and engage consultants.

Land trusts are subject to ordinary local and state government laws relating to development and land taxes. However, trust lands are exempt from local government rates if the land is not being used for residential or commercial purposes.

The Minister can declare minimum compliance requirements for land trusts. For more information, see the list of ministerial declarations under the Indigenous land Acts.

Note: these roles and responsibilities do not apply to CATSIA qualified corporations, however, are similar.

Find a trustee

Trustees for all past land transfers are recorded in the Indigenous land holding entity register. If you want to access information from the registers, complete the land holding entity register information request form (PDF, 45KB).

Publicly available information includes:

  • address for service of documents
  • contact phone number
  • description of the land held by the entity.

You can access additional information with approval from the land trust chairperson.

Reporting requirements of land trusts

Land trusts can use the following guides, templates and forms to meet their reporting requirements under the Aboriginal Land Act 1991 and Torres Strait Islander Land Act 1991. Forms can be completed electronically or in hard copy.

Land trust compliance guide

The guide has information on what forms must be completed and how to fill them out.

End-of-financial year reporting


Adding or removing trustees

Land holding entity register request

Transferring land under the Aboriginal Land Act 1991 and the Torres Strait Islander Land Act 1991