Cultural heritage studies

A cultural heritage study is a comprehensive study of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage conducted under Part 6 of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003 (the Cultural Heritage Acts).

The findings of the cultural heritage study are recorded on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage register administered by the Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships.

Notification and consent for cultural heritage studies

Before commencing a study under Part 6 of the Cultural Heritage Acts, notification must be provided to the:

It is also necessary to obtain consent to access the land within the study area.

There is no time limit for undertaking a study.

The Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander party for the area must be given the opportunity to be involved in the study. They are responsible for assessing the cultural heritage significance of an area under Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tradition, custom or history.

Search for a cultural heritage study

Search the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage online portal to identify specific cultural heritage studies.