Overview of the section 47C process

  • Initial request

    Native title party provides the State with a list of park areas for a potential s.47C agreement.

  • Assessment

    The State assesses if the threshold requirements in s. 47C are satisfied—park area, extinguishment and connection.

  • Detailed consideration

    The State considers each park area and assess if it may be included in the s.47C agreement. This includes meeting with the native title party to discuss aspirations, identifying third party interests, consultation and inclusion of public works.

  • Agreement in principle

    Section 47C agreement in principle is reached between the State and native title party.

  • Notification of potential agreement

    3 -month public notification and direct notification to significant interest holders.

  • Agreement signed

    Section 47C agreement is signed by the native title party and the State.

  • File in Federal Court

    Native title party files application in Federal Court seeking for s. 47C to be applied to their claim or existing determination area.