Queensland's Path to Treaty

Who's involved?

There are three ways truth-telling is being progressed in Queensland.

Truth-telling and Healing Inquiry

The Truth-telling and Healing Inquiry (Inquiry) is an important part of the truth-telling and healing process in Queensland. The Inquiry will:

  • provide a public platform for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous Queenslanders to tell their truth
  • listen to and record the stories shared
  • hold a formal and independent Inquiry into the historical and ongoing impacts of colonisation in Queensland
  • talk to Queenslanders about why the treaty process is important for a reconciled Queensland
  • inform education and develop shared understandings of First Nations cultures, histories, languages, and traditions
  • report its findings to the Queensland Government.

First Nations Treaty Institute

The First Nations Treaty Institute is a statutory body, operating independently from the Queensland Government to:

  • co-develop a treaty-making framework with the Queensland Government
  • support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to record the impacts and effects of colonisation on their communities to inform their participation in future treaty negotiations
  • consult, support and empower Aboriginal peoples, Torres Strait Islander peoples and representative entities in relation to scoping, initiating and participating in treaty negotiations with the state.

Queensland Government

The Queensland Government is:

  • working with public institutions to provide access to documents, records and information
  • preparing to participate in the Inquiry.

Queensland Government inquiry readiness is led by a Government Treaty Readiness Committee and overseen by a Ministerial Consultative Committee.

More information

In this guide:

  1. About the Path to Treaty
  2. Where are we up to?
  3. Who's involved?
  4. Inquiry and Institute members appointed

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