Queensland's Path to Treaty

Where are we up to?

View larger image Timeline of major milestones on Queensland\'s Path to Treaty from July 2019 when the Statement of Commitment was released to April 2024’s announcement of Inquiry members and Institute Council. Enlarge image
Queensland's Path to Treaty journey.

On 16 August 2022 the Queensland Government, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous Queenslanders signed Queensland’s Path to Treaty Commitment (PDF). The Commitment is a collective pledge to be courageous and curious, open to hearing the truth of our state’s history.

Path to Treaty Act 2023

The Path to Treaty Act 2023 (Act) was passed in State Parliament in May 2023 and became law upon proclamation on 26 April 2024.

This historic Act is the first of its kind in Queensland, co-designed between the Interim Truth and Treaty Body and the Queensland Government.

The Act is the cornerstone for establishing the Truth-telling and Healing Inquiry (Inquiry) and the First Nations Treaty Institute (Institute).

How will the Act help to progress truth-telling and healing?

The Act provides the legal framework to commence truth-telling and healing in Queensland and to set up the Inquiry and the Institute.

The Inquiry will be held for three years, unless extended.

The Institute will provide ongoing support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through the truth-telling process.

Truth-telling will build understanding of Queensland’s shared history, so everyone can acknowledge the past and move forward respectfully. It will inform a way forward for Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the Queensland Government to work together in the future.

Next steps

The Inquiry will provide opportunities for all Queenslanders to engage with the truth-telling and healing process, if they wish. Details will be published on their website, once available. Information and updates will also be shared on this website and via the Path to Treaty e-newsletter.

More information

In this guide:

  1. About the Path to Treaty
  2. Where are we up to?
  3. Who's involved?
  4. Inquiry and Institute members appointed

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