About the inquiry

The Truth-telling and Healing Inquiry is an important part of the truth-telling and healing process in Queensland. It will act independently to provide a public platform to listen and record stories, educate and build understanding about First Nations history and culture, and make recommendations for next steps.

The Inquiry has features of a Commission of Inquiry but has been customised to facilitate the participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, by adopting a culturally appropriate and non-legalistic approach.

The work of the Inquiry is guided by the Inquiry’s Terms of Reference (PDF, 397 KB).

The Truth-telling and Healing Inquiry is independent of government and comprises five members, including a Chairperson.

The functions of the Inquiry include to:

  • conduct inquiries into and document the individual, familial, cultural and societal impacts and effects of colonisation on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by holding truth-telling sessions and hearings and inviting people to give documents and other evidence to the Inquiry
  • conduct research into, and promote community awareness and understanding of the impacts and effects of colonisation on:
    • Aboriginal peoples, law and tradition
    • Torres Strait Islander peoples, law and Ailan Kastom
    • the general public’s shared understanding of the history of Queensland.
  • provide advice and make recommendations to the Queensland Government in accordance with the Inquiry’s Terms of Reference.

The Inquiry was established under the Path to Treaty Act 2023.

The Path to Treaty Act 2023 (Act) was passed in State Parliament in May 2023 and became law upon proclamation on 26 April 2024.  This historic Act is the first of its kind in Queensland, co-designed between the Interim Truth and Treaty Body and the Queensland Government.

The Act, among other things, provides the legal framework to commence truth-telling and healing in Queensland and to set up the Truth-telling and Healing Inquiry.  The Inquiry will be held for three years, unless extended.

For general queries, please email: generalenquiries_TtHI@dsdsatsip.qld.gov.au.