Journey of labour

Who will support you in labour

It can be helpful to have people around you who can provide both emotional and physical support during labour.

Hospitals usually allow two support people with you in labour. This could be your partner, another family member or a friend.

  • Some women choose to hire a doula or birth attendant to support them during labour.
  • A doula is not a member of your maternity team but is experienced in supporting women and their partners during labour.
  • You can check with your midwife or doctor regarding policies about support persons.

Studies show that women who have someone with them right through labour have a more positive experience of labour and are less likely to need medication for pain relief.

Please note: Due to COVID-19, the number of support people you can have with you during labour and birth may be limited. It is suggested that you choose someone who can stay with you for the whole time.

Being a birth partner

There are many things a birth partner can do to provide support.

They can:

  • keep you company and help to pass the time during the early stages
  • hold your hand, wipe your face, give you sips of water
  • massage your back and shoulders, help you to move or change position, or anything else that helps
  • comfort you as your labour progresses and your contractions get stronger
  • remind you how to use relaxation and breathing techniques, perhaps breathing with you if it helps
  • support your decisions, such as the pain relief methods that you choose
  • help you explain to the midwife or doctor what you need – and the other way around – which can help
  • help you feel much more in control of the situation
  • (if possible) cut the umbilical cord – you can talk to your midwife about this.

More information: Pregnancy, Birth and Baby – Being a birth support partner

In this guide:

  1. COVID-19 and labour
  2. Preparing for labour and birth
  3. Who will support you in labour
  4. How your body prepares for labour
  5. Getting baby in the right position for birth
  6. When to seek advice during pregnancy
  7. Final preparations for labour

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