Pregnancy Health Record—useful information

The pregnancy health record is your personal record of your pregnancy.

It includes information about your past and present health, previous pregnancies and babies, information about this pregnancy and any test results. It also enables you to list your birth plan preferences and any questions you may have about your pregnancy and/or care throughout your pregnancy.

Wherever you go, you will have all the information that the doctor, midwife or other healthcare professional will need to know about your pregancy.

During your pregnancy, you may want to find to a bit more about what to expect from your baby's movements, what exercise is suitable, or the correct way to wear a seat belt. The following resources provides further information to support you during the antenatal period.

Useful information for your pregnancy

Correct use of seat belts in pregnancy

Black lined image of pregnant woman wearing seatbelt under her bump with a green tick next to another drawing of a pregnant woman with the seatbelt on her bump with a red crossIt is always safer for you and your baby to use a 3-point seatbelt (lap-sash) with a lap-belt and a shoulder strap (sash). However, a lap-belt on its own is safer than no seatbelt at all if you are involved in a car crash.

Place the lap-belt under your baby as low as possible. It should never sit over the upper thighs/pelvis and not across your baby. Position the shoulder strap (sash) over your collarbone and snuggly between your breasts.

Learn more from the Queensland Health factsheet on seatbelts and pregnancy.

Dental Health

Keeping teeth and gums healthy during pregnancy is important for both yourself and your baby. Learn more about your oral health during pregnancy.

Fetal Movements

Learn what to expect from your baby’s movements as pregnancy progresses and when to seek care if you become concerned.

Healthy hearing

Further information on newborn hearing screening.

Hepatitis B

Most important things you need to know about hepatitis B, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.

Information for parents and carers

A number of useful resources on pregnancy, birthing and newborns is available on the Queensland Health website.

Mental health and wellbeing

Pregnancy and new parenthood can cause tremendous changes in your body, mind, sense of self, lifestyle and relationships. It’s important to look after your mental health and emotional wellbeing during this time. The Queensland Centre for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health as practical advice on emotional wellbeing and mental health for you, your baby and your family.

Newborn bloodspot screening test

The newborn bloodspot screening test factsheet explains the test and answers some common questions raised by parents.

Nutrition in pregnancy

The Australian Dietary Guidelines provide advice on eating for health and wellbeing of infants, children and adults. Refer to the Eat for Health website for more information.

Partnering with the woman who declines recommended maternity care

Resources to support you and your health provider to jointly plan maternity care.

Physical activity

It is important to remain active during pregnancy as there are benefits for both yourself and your baby. It’s important to modify or choose a suitable exercise program during pregnancy. Visit the Pregnancy birth and baby website for more information on exercising during pregnancy.

Perineal care

Provides information about perineal care and tears during birth.

Queensland Clinical Guidelines

Information for consumers and carers on a range of topics such as breastfeeding, diabetes in pregnancy, early labour, and routine newborn assessment.

Safe infant sleeping

Further information on safe infant sleeping and safe sleeping space for your baby.

Safer baby bundle

Provides information about how to reduce the risk of stillbirth.

Shared decision-making

Resources and tips to help you understand your role in the shared decision-making process.

Pelvic floor in pregnancy

Continence Foundation of Australia has information on pelvic floor exercises, good bladder and bowel habits and where to go for help.

Vaccines during pregnancy

Find out why vaccination during pregnancy is the best way to protect yourself and your baby from disease.

Vitamin K for newborn babies

Information and advice on the importance of receiving vitamin K for newborn babies.

Prenatal screening

Prenatal guides and resources to help support expectant parents and inform the process of prenatal testing.