Where to start

It can be hard to know when or where to get help if you or someone you know is struggling with mental health.

Find general mental health information or Queensland Health services or other providers that can give you the support you need.

Understanding AOD card

Understanding mental health

Learn more about mental health and how it can affect you or the people you care about.

Getting AOD help card

How to get help

Get help and support by finding mental health services and treatment options that are available around Queensland.

AOD Your rights card

Your rights and support

Understand your rights and the support services that can help when you're being treated for a mental illness.

Queensland's approach to mental health

The Queensland Government funds mental health treatment, care and psychosocial support in a range of hospital and community settings for people who are most severely impacted by mental illness and problematic substance use, as well as those experiencing mental health crisis and suicidality.

The Queensland Government works in partnership with the Commonwealth Government, private and non-government organisations to ensure Queenslanders can access a comprehensive range of mental health treatment and support services to meet their needs.

The Commonwealth Government funds consultations with Psychiatrists, general practitioners (GPs), psychologists and other allied health practitioners through the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS), other primary mental health services through the Primary Health Networks, and support for psychosocial disabilities through the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

In addition to treatment, care and support through Queensland Health and funded non-government organisations, the Queensland Government funds and delivers a range of supports and programs through housing, education, employment, disability and other social, justice and community agencies.

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