Mental health services in Queensland

There are many different ways you can get help for mental health, alcohol and other drug concerns. Here you will find some options that might be right for you.

General practitioners (GP)

Your GP is a good place to start a conversation about your mental health.  GPs can help assess your mental health, create a mental health plan and provide treatment. They can also help connect you with specialist mental health support.

Medicare Mental Health

Medicare Mental Health has a free help line you can call to talk with a trained mental health specialist. They provide mental health advice and guidance and can help you find local services.

Call 1800 595 212 or learn how to get the support that’s right for you.

Crisis and support helplines

Crisis and support helplines can connect you to someone to talk with about your mental health. They offer a safe space to talk and get emotional support. They also provide peer support and urgent help if you’re in distress. A wide range of crisis help lines are available for different needs.

Digital supports

There are apps, online programs, peer forums, and self-paced treatments you can find online for help 24 hours, 7 days a week. Digital supports are available for all ages and mental health concerns.


12 to 25 year olds can get mental health and alcohol or other drug support from headspace. It offers online, phone and in person support services and helps link young people and families to specialist care.

Medicare Mental Health Centres

Medicare Mental Health centres offer a safe and welcoming space to talk to someone. The centres can help if you, or someone you care about, is in distress or needs help finding the right mental health support.


Counsellors provide a safe and confidential space for people to explore their mental health and wellbeing. Counsellors can help you with a wide range of mental health, alcohol and other drug related concerns. Medicare rebates maybe available.


Psychologists provide therapy and treatments to help you manage stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, grief and other mental health alcohol and other drug issues. Medicare rebates maybe available.

Ask your GP for a referral or find a psychologist on the Australian Psychological Society website.

Private psychiatrists

Private psychiatrists specialise in diagnosing and treating mental health conditions. They also offer therapy and can prescribe medicines and help you access private hospital care. Medicare rebates maybe available.

For help finding a private psychiatrist, ask your GP for a referral or visit the find a psychiatrist on the Your Health in Mind website.

Alcohol and other drug services

Alcohol and other drug supports are available from a wide range of private and public providers. Peer support, harm-reduction, counselling, rehabilitation and family supports are all available.

If you're concerned about your own or someone else's substance use, call Adis 24/7 Alcohol and Drugs on 1800 177 833. You can also visit their website for more information or to chat with a counsellor online.

Public mental health services

Queensland Health provides specialist mental health assessment, treatment and support for people who are most severely impacted by mental illness, as well as those experiencing mental health crisis and suicidality.

Call 1300 MH CALL (1300 642 255) to find your local public mental health, alcohol and other drug service.

Emergency departments and 000

Emergency departments and Triple Zero (000) provide emergency care for people who are experiencing an urgent mental health crisis.

In an emergency, call Triple Zero (000) or you can find your nearest emergency department using the Health Service Directory.

Head to Health Kids - Queensland

Head to Health Kids – Queensland services are available in the Brisbane and Gold Coast regions and offer a range of specialist supports for children experiencing mental health and wellbeing concerns including development, behavioural or emotional challenges.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Health Organisations

ATSICCHOs are operated by local First Nations communities to provide comprehensive, holistic and culturally appropriate health care to their communities.

Mental health services at Queensland Health

At Queensland Health, we provide specialist mental health assessment, care and support for people who are most severely impacted by mental illness, as well as those experiencing mental health crisis and suicidality.

Queensland Health programs and services

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